Lightroom Camera Calibrations


Senior Member
A few months ago, I stumbled upon this guy who created camera calibration profiles for Lightroom and Aperture. From what I read online about him, it sounded like he spent quite some time perfecting the calibration files. I believe the files were 15 bucks for Lightroom. I also know he ran a wordpress blog site before switching over to some sort of e-commerce page.

I was wondering if anybody knows who this person is and what his site was. I also wonder if anybody had an opinion on his camera calibrations.



Senior Member
If you're shooting Nikon, don't waste your $15, unless you're shooting jpeg, in which case you're already beyond help. ;)

Seriously, though, the default LR profiles are pretty darn close to the camera default profiles if you want to start with the look of the JPEG preview you're seeing in camera. But if you're shooting RAW then you're going to tweak for the look you want and not the look someone else says you're supposed to be getting with the camera you have. If he's selling then he's good at hyping himself and his profiles. Save yourself the money and learn your tools. I don't ever process two images exactly the same way, though I may process similar images using the sync feature after tweaking one of them.


Senior Member
Thanks for the response. I understand about adjusting pictures based upon what you think and you shouldn't have a camera do it. Unfortunately though, I take lots of pictures at times and I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

Ideally, I would like to keep the raw files around for archival purposes, but like the post processing done by the camera and/or viewnx. I usually end up tagging a bunch in viewnx and export them to jpg for printing at costco or elsewhere. I like the settings from viewnx, but don't like the fact that it can destroy the nef, and how it doesn't apply the settings to a sidecar. So that's kind of where I'm at.

On the other hand, I like some of the adjustment settings better from LR and how they do non-destructive image editing. If LR could only process the images similar to viewnx, I would be happier.


Senior Member
Thanks for the response. I understand about adjusting pictures based upon what you think and you shouldn't have a camera do it. Unfortunately though, I take lots of pictures at times and I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

Ideally, I would like to keep the raw files around for archival purposes, but like the post processing done by the camera and/or viewnx. I usually end up tagging a bunch in viewnx and export them to jpg for printing at costco or elsewhere. I like the settings from viewnx, but don't like the fact that it can destroy the nef, and how it doesn't apply the settings to a sidecar. So that's kind of where I'm at.

On the other hand, I like some of the adjustment settings better from LR and how they do non-destructive image editing. If LR could only process the images similar to viewnx, I would be happier.

One thing to note, View NX shows you your RAW file with camera jpg settings applied. Lightroom does not. So if you download your pictures and do nothing, View NX could very well give you a more pleasing starting point based on your camera jpg settings. Lightroom will look more 'blah' on import by default. You can automatically apply one of the camera profiles like Jake suggested on import and other tweaks too so you automatically get an image more like ViewNX.