Jim from St. Louis


Senior Member
Hi everybody, Jim from St. Louis checking in. I saw this site referenced on one of the photo forums, so I thought I'd check you out. Been shooting Nikon for about 35 years, mostly as a hobbyist but with an occasional paid gig. I got into digital about 15 years ago when my wife bought me a Sony Mavica (with a floppy disk as the storage device!). First real DSLR was a D100, followed by a D7000 and, most recently, a D600. Like many of us, I have NAS and the disease has allowed me to acquire lots of lenses and other goodies to go along with my DX and FX bodies.

I shoot nature, sports, products, landscapes and portraits and have been lucky to have had a few shots published in local newspapers and national magazines. I'm always learning and willing to pass along help to those with less experience (just as those with more experience have helped me over the years).

Question: I can't figure out how to post a profile pic. Do you have to be a paid subscriber to be able to do this?

Thanks for having me.



Staff member
Super Mod

Click on Setting on top right of page. Click on Edit Profile Picture under My Settings. Pick option 1 or 2.
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Thank you for filling out your profile so we can better answer any questions that you might have.
You can update in at anytime at http://nikonites.com/profile.php?do=editprofile

Some useful links
Nikon | Imaging Products | Digitutor

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72px

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.
