How to post a photo correctly?


New member
Hi everybody,

I'm pretty new on this website as I registered one week ago, and I'm still learning how it works... I'm not sure to ask my question in the right place, so excuse me if I'm not.

Maybe my question has already been asked before. I've been spending all my evenings since I registered but couldn't find my answer. But this forum has so many entries, maybe I missed it.

Well, I'd like to know why I cannot post my photos correctly here.... When I post a photo, it goes in the wrong side. On my computer, the photo's right, but here it rotates by itself and I cannot find the solution to make it stay in the right size.

Can anyone help me please?

thank you....


New member
It's been very hard for me to find the right way for these 3 photos... I tried many times before it goes in the right size.
And tonight I try to upload another photo and it starts again. So I really would like to understand what I do wrong in order to do well at the first time next time. :)


Senior Member
Hi Perle :)
When you click on reply, this is the box you type in right...
Just above you can see some formatting options.
The thrid last icon (the one like a window/picture frame) is the one you click to upload an image.
Click on it, you have 2 options - one to upload an image from your computer & the other option is to link from another site like flickr, or your personal website.
Once the image uploads, it'll get embedded in the post.
you can double click on the image to choose the size it will be displayed at..
just make sure your image is not longer than 1000px on the longer edge else the forum will resize it down


Staff member
Super Mod
Have your seen this?

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72px

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.



New member
Thank you for the screen print Marilynne. It helps me to understand better.

But my problem is to upload correctly my photo in my album.
In fact when the photo is ok in my album, it is rotate (90° right or left) in the gallery. When the photo is not in the right sense in my album, it's not in the right sense in the gallery either. The photo is never in the right way in the gallery and it's really awful. Whatever I do, it never goes in the right sense and it's making me crazy.

Well I think I'm gonna give up for tonight, I'll try again tomorrow...



Staff member
Super Mod
Have you checked your gallery? Edit one of your images. Does the Image Manipulation have anything in it? Maybe you accidentally added something there. Just a suggestion.


Senior Member
I don't think the forum/gallery has anything to do with image roation (i could be wrong)
Certain post processing software that you use to download, convert to JPG & export, maintains the original orientation that the image was shot at.
I think I understand. You are saying it is rotated incorrectly. You need to make sure that it is correct in your computer. I am on mobile but there may be a way to rotate it in the gallery.


New member
I think I understand. You are saying it is rotated incorrectly. You need to make sure that it is correct in your computer. I am on mobile but there may be a way to rotate it in the gallery.

Yes, the photo is correct in my computer before to upload it. But whatever I do with the photo in my computer it does not help me, the photo is still rotated in the wrong way here. It's a real mystery for me...

I don't think the forum/gallery has anything to do with image roation (i could be wrong)
Certain post processing software that you use to download, convert to JPG & export, maintains the original orientation that the image was shot at.

I also think that it has something to do with that. But I haven't found the answer. I'm gonna stop to make photo in portrait mode... but that would be hard for me, most of my photos are in this mode...;)

Have you checked your gallery? Edit one of your images. Does the Image Manipulation have anything in it? Maybe you accidentally added something there. Just a suggestion.
I tried to use the rotation mode here, but it does not change anything either...

It can be rotated in Image Manipulation.

Well don't worry, I'll find what's wrong, even if it takes me a long time... I'm patient and dogged (is this the right word?! :D )

I thank you all for trying to help me.