Hate to Post This...


Senior Member
Well Thursday Pat and I got home from a night out with friends. When we were settling in Pat complained of a bad headache. Whenever that happens I have here check her Blood Pressure. After what happened to me it is just a safety measure, but before we could find the BP cuff she started to just slur her words and I started dialing 911. Less that a minute into the call her left side was paralyzed.

The EMTs showed up as quick as they could given where we live. I was on the phone with 911 doing what they said I should do for Pat as we waited. We took a 30 minute ride to Lexington's Stoke Center and they got her in right away.

She had a bleed. It is the size of a glof ball and inoperable. She is still in ICU, but improving. She can speak and move her toes on her left side, but she still requires a feeding tube. It has been pretty intense, but God is faithful and she is improving. Prayers have been answered. The last 24 hours we have been able to wake her to do neurological test and that is a big deal.

She will be in ICU a few more days and after that a regular room. It is going to be a long rehab after that.

God is amazing. The Nero Surgeon said I was luck she survived. I do not believe in luck... I believe in Jesus.

I just wanted to share it with you all. God bless.


Senior Member
What frightening news. My best wishes to you both for a speedy recovery. I'm not a praying man myself, but she'll be in my thoughts and I hope you keep us updated on her progress.


Senior Member
My prayers for Pat's recovery. God is merciful and His roads may look winding for us. I wish you both the best.

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Staff member
Super Mod
Thank you Jesus for allowing Pat to show positive changes. Dan, you were a trooper to be there with her and act quickly. Especially for this type of situation, getting the necessary help right away is so important. Thank goodness they were able to arrive and help her. Godspeed for her recovery!


Senior Member
My thoughts are with you and your wife. Good thinking and quick, correct action saved your wife's life that night. Great job, Danno! Hopefully, someone here will learn to pay attention to the warning flags you described thereby giving you part in saving multiple lives!


Senior Member
I wish Pat a speedy recovery , it’s tough to stay strong as I have found out , Sue was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer also in her liver and lung , that was in February and they gave her six months , well , just passed that so she doing good although slowly getting worse .


Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear this Dan. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

You and Pat will be in our daily prayers.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
@Skwaz I guess any good day after a diagnosis like that is a gift. I hope you and your family find the support you need to get through this difficult time.


Senior Member
Dan, I was out of town and away from the Internet, so I just read this. I'm so sorry to hear this. My mother went through something similar many years ago. I will pray for a quick recovery and that rehab will go well. Remember through the next days, weeks, and months to take care of yourself. I know this is a terrible stress for you. Lean on your friends and family, Dan.


New member
So sad, may God bless, comfort and give you peace in troubled times.

Is nice to read there has been a turn around so soon, very promising .


Senior Member
Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. Pat is still in ICU. They are struggling to get her BP under control.

She has decent days and not so decent. One day she will be awake and somewhat alert and responsive and she will talk. I tease her and tell her she sounds like Froggy from the Little Rascals. The next day she will be very lethargic.

The upside is that the bleed has grown smaller. The down side is that this is going to take a long time and some days are going to be difficult, but she is in God's hands an I trust Him. She was His before she was mine. I do long to have my Pat back, but right now we are in the stage of learning to roll over rather than starting to walk and that is just fine.

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. They mean so much.
God Bless and keep you all.