Happy Birthday Don!

Been a rough day. WEnt to the doc and flu test was negative. Did a blood test and my white blood count was 22,000. 11,000 is considered the high side of normal. Some sort of infection. Two shots and a Z pac. Temp finally dropped to normal but still not feeling like doing anything. Go back to the doc tomorrow to check the blood to see if it has dropped back to a more normal count.


Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear your day wasn't great. Take a mulligan and celebrate when you feel better! :)


Senior Member
I'm late to the party, as usual... I hope your today is better than yesterday. It's never good when you're not well on your birthday.



Senior Member
Challenge Team
A late birthday wish, but I found out why you have been sick. While riding around I found the sign that told it all:

