From Mac to Windows


Senior Member
Same here. I've used Windows since Windows 98 and aside from the nightmare that Microsoft called Vista, I've had none of the issues people claim are always present on Windows computers.

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Moab Man

Senior Member
The big plus for Mac has been their displays. I think the way you have to interact with them is difficult at best. However, when I have to eventually move to Win 10 I will instead get bent over a barrel monetary wise and buy a Mac because there are too many problems with Win 10 and their forced updates.
The big plus for Mac has been their displays. I think the way you have to interact with them is difficult at best. However, when I have to eventually move to Win 10 I will instead get bent over a barrel monetary wise and buy a Mac because there are too many problems with Win 10 and their forced updates.

I actually like Win 10. It is like any other system and you just have to tame it.


Senior Member
I have 2 desktops and a laptop all running windows 10 since the free upgrade came out. Only problem I had was with some sound card software on one of them which I was able to get working after deleting the drivers that windows 10 decided it wanted to use and installing the drivers/software that came on the cd.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Had a computer at home down for 1.5 days while it sat and spun on updating. Another computer it keeps dropping drivers. And at school it's a freaking joke with all the computers there.

Daniel Aegerter

Senior Member
Mac at home, Windows at work.
So I have experience with both, although not with Windows 10 yet.
I really like the Mac OS better than anything Microsoft has come up.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
I use Mac at home, and windows 10 and earlier at work. I would much prefer the OSX of a mac than navigating and using windows 10. But that is my own personal preference.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
If you get an iMac desktop, make sure it has enough juice to run your software. Supposedly, if you don't have the Fusion drive then fugetaboutit. Mine has the slower processor, and it is frustrating to operate. Slow as molasses in February, and can't handle PSCC without hanging up. It can barely handle clicking on Apple preferences. The processor can not be changed either. Another consideration is that Lightroom runs slow on the iMac platform. Adobe is looking into it. I don't know if that has been solved.

I know nothing about the MacBooks.
I switched to Mac years ago, but now I am totally disheartened by where they are going with their products.

At this point, I can't recommend Apple products. I used say, "I love my Apple." Now, I just cuss at it, and my iPhone, and my iPad. Then again, I almost always cuss Windows. :rolleyes:

Maybe somebody who has the more expensive model or a MacBook Pro will weigh in on whether it is worth it.
I will say this much in Apple's favor. It is easy to navigate an Apple, and software downloads are rarely a problem. Also, no need to defrag.
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Scott Murray

Senior Member
If you get an iMac desktop, make sure it has enough juice to run your software. Supposedly, if you don't have the Fusion drive then fugetaboutit. Mine has the slower processor, and it is frustrating to operate. Slow as molasses in February, and can't handle PSCC without hanging up. It can barely handle clicking on Apple preferences. The processor can not be changed either. Another consideration is that Lightroom runs slow on the iMac platform. Adobe is looking into it. I don't know if that has been solved.

I know nothing about the MacBooks.
I switched to Mac years ago, but now I am totally disheartened by where they are going with their products.

At this point, I can't recommend Apple products. I used say, "I love my Apple." Now, I just cuss at it, and my iPhone, and my iPad. Then again, I almost always cuss Windows. :rolleyes:

Maybe somebody who has the more expensive model or a MacBook Pro will weigh in on whether it is worth it.
I will say this much in Apple's favor. It is easy to navigate an Apple, and software downloads are rarely a problem. Also, no need to defrag.

I run an iMac 5k and it runs PSCC LRCC with the D810 files easily. Maybe you need to 1: free up space on your imac. 2: Re-install the OSX wiping it clean.
All computers do slow down and I do regularly clean my computers, I also store all my photos, movies etc on external SSD's so that my Fusion drive stays clutter free.


Senior Member
I have always used Windows... in spite of a couple failed attempts with Mac products. I think it is the engineering background. I struggle with Mac anything.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I use a Mid-2010 iMac and all the Adobe CC stuff runs fine... Like Scott, I also keep all my photo stuff on external USB drives... I owned PCs for years... spent more time fixing/reloading/updating/scanning and just plain NOT working with PCs than any other system

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I run an iMac 5k and it runs PSCC LRCC with the D810 files easily. Maybe you need to 1: free up space on your imac. 2: Re-install the OSX wiping it clean.
All computers do slow down and I do regularly clean my computers, I also store all my photos, movies etc on external SSD's so that my Fusion drive stays clutter free.

Unfortunately, this is the mid 2015 with the slow spinning drive, not the fusion drive. It was slow out the box with nothing on it. I took it to the shop to have everything reinstalled. It still can't handle PS. It was giving me a spinning beach ball just to open up preferences before I put PSCC on it. It has a rep for having too slow of a processor in it. It just wasn't the right choice, but shame on Apple for keeping the slow processor when a better one was available. BTW, I didn't make the decision to buy this one so my hands were tied.

I have an external drive to store images so it doesn't get cluttered up. :)

Maybe I just got a lemon, but I did some post purchase research, and the reviews were pretty much on target with how this iMac is acting. Anybody else with a mid 2015 that can report how it performs?

Y'all are right, though. I have little trouble downloading in general. It doesn't crash due to viri. Time spent defrauding isn't necessary. I think I am just annoyed with Apple right now.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Unfortunately, this is the mid 2015 with the slow spinning drive, not the fusion drive. It was slow out the box with nothing on it. I took it to the shop to have everything reinstalled. It still can't handle PS. It was giving me a spinning beach ball just to open up preferences before I put PSCC on it. It has a rep for having too slow of a processor in it. It just wasn't the right choice, but shame on Apple for keeping the slow processor when a better one was available. BTW, I didn't make the decision to buy this one so my hands were tied.

I have an external drive to store images so it doesn't get cluttered up. :)

Maybe I just got a lemon, but I did some post purchase research, and the reviews were pretty much on target with how this iMac is acting. Anybody else with a mid 2015 that can report how it performs?

Y'all are right, though. I have little trouble downloading in general. It doesn't crash due to viri. Time spent defrauding isn't necessary. I think I am just annoyed with Apple right now.

Just a thought make sure your graphics processor is turned off in PS settings, maybe that is causing an issue.


Senior Member
Thing is, I'd consider getting a MacBook if they weren't next to useless for gaming. Hahaha I still like a good video game once in a while.

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Staff member
Super Mod
If you get an iMac desktop, make sure it has enough juice to run your software. Supposedly, if you don't have the Fusion drive then fugetaboutit. Mine has the slower processor, and it is frustrating to operate. Slow as molasses in February, and can't handle PSCC without hanging up. It can barely handle clicking on Apple preferences. The processor can not be changed either. Another consideration is that Lightroom runs slow on the iMac platform. Adobe is looking into it. I don't know if that has been solved.

What type of processor is on your iMac? How much RAM does it have, and how full is your hard drive? Photoshop and Lightroom have specifications that give certain requirements for those programs. Without at least meeting those specifications, it would be difficult to run PCC and LR. Sorry to hear about it--must be frustrating for sure!