D780 newbie questions


Senior Member
I just got a D780 and there are some things I don't understand.

1. AF-ON button. In the online manual it describes that the AF-ON button can be reassigned, and I notice that the default customisation is as "AF-ON". What does this actually mean? I set it to AE/AF lock and got that working (so I can focus and recompose, with the item in focus outside of the focusing area of the OVF) but then realised that that's exactly the same as the AE-L / AF-L lock button just below it that I already have anyway, so that seems like a wasted customisation option. Anyway, what does the default AF-ON actually mean?

Just as a clarification; on my previous camera I tried to live with back button focus for a long time, but never really got on with it, in the end I got fed up with it and removed it. I'm happy with AE/AF lock just for the occasions when when I want something to be in focus near the edge of the frame. Most of the time I quite like 3D tracking so I focus on what I want and let it 3D track the item whilst I recompose.

2. When I'm viewing a photo already taken, how can I change what's displayed? Like viewing the histogram?

3. How do I make the camera automatically view a photo on screen after taking it without having to press the playback button?

thanks, DNJ


Senior Member
Challenge Team
1. AF-ON button. In the online manual it describes that the AF-ON button can be reassigned, and I notice that the default customisation is as "AF-ON". What does this actually mean? I set it to AE/AF lock and got that working (so I can focus and recompose, with the item in focus outside of the focusing area of the OVF) but then realised that that's exactly the same as the AE-L / AF-L lock button just below it that I already have anyway, so that seems like a wasted customisation option. Anyway, what does the default AF-ON actually mean?

a8[AF activation]

AF Activation.png

2. When I'm viewing a photo already taken, how can I change what's displayed? Like viewing the histogram?


Use the up down to preview with various option.

3. How do I make the camera automatically view a photo on screen after taking it without having to press the playback button?

Image Review.png


Staff member
Super Mod
If you need any additional info beyond what Needa mentioned, I would suggest looking at the first 10 minutes of Steve Perry's video on setting up the D780. He explains some of the choices which include the questions you have.



Senior Member
Challenge Team
Wow, what a fantastic response, thank you!

So concerning the AF-ON button, it says if AF-ON only is selected.... so, does that mean that if AF-ON only is not selected, then the button does nothing?
In the default setting both the shutter button and the AF-on button operate the AF. When testing on 810 the shutter over rides the AF-on button so if you focus and recompose the shutter button will cause it to attempt to focus again. The AF only setting disables the shutter AF function so the AF can only be initiated from AF-on button. Should be easy enough to test if you disable the AE/AF you mentioned you set the button to.


Senior Member
I just gave it a try.

Setting the AF-ON button to AF-ON (the default) seems to cause the focusing system to operator constantly as if the shutter is half pressed, so keeping it pressed and then pressing the shutter button makes no difference because it's already continuously focusing.

Setting the AF-ON button to AF lock only seems to give the desired effect of a back button focus for those who don't want to commit to back button focus. Basically you still have to half press to focus, but, if you then press the AF-ON button the focusing system sort of "disconnects" so provided that you keep pressing it you can recompose with refocusing.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
If you auto focus mode is set to continuous it will continue to focus if the AF-on button is held and it thinks there is a need usually an slight movement of the camera. If you are set to the default AF activation and release the the button and press the shutter button it will again try to focus. To test use the AF-on button to focus o something close then recompose by pointing at something much further away and half press the shutter you will see it refocus.
To change from continuous to single focus (not single point) hold the AF button to the lower left of the camera and rotate the rear command dial, it will change from continuous to single and back as it is rotated.