D600 or not


New member
Hi guys i need your advice especially if you recently went from a d7000 to a d600 . Ok here it is:

i currently shoot with a d300 and 50mm prime and looking to upgrade only if there's a substantial improvement in image quality. I'm not worried about iso performance because I don't shoot lowlight so if I'm shooting with iso 200 to 800 and shoot mostly landscapes, street and portraits is it worth it to go with the d600? Is the dynamic range and colour depth alot better than the d300 or d7000? Im happy to spend the extra cash but if the 7000 will perform relatively the same i might upgrade to that. Please only comment if you've had experience shooting with these cameras. Thanks in advance.

Rick M

Senior Member
Welcome to the site!

I shot with the D5100 and went to the D600. The D5100 uses the same sensor as the D7000, so similar IQ. You would probably notice a difference at ISO 800 @ 100%. The overall IQ/DR is better on the D600, more noticeable at larger sizes.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I recently upgraded. Goto the DXO web site. It rates cameras and lenses based on the factors you're interested in... Plug in your lens from their database, and compared the dynamics of the lens simply by changing the bodies... I think you'll be shocked at the differences, as I was...


Senior Member

I have the D7100 & D600. I'm lucky right now I can have both. The FX in my opinion gives you better IQ/detail low light performance is great ... But the D7100 rocks too ...

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Senior Member
I had the D7000 and upgraded to the D600. Like rikman I have the D7100 as a backup. For landscapes and portraits I use the D600 all day everyday. For me the larger sensor is a welcome sight and the IQ is better. I like that the D600's individual focus points are smaller and tighter but slightly bummed that there's only 39. But that's not difficult to deal with in those shooting environments. The D600 and 85mm 1.8G lens make an awesome combination. I still marvel at how sharp that combination is.

All the cameras mentioned are good cameras but if I had to have just one it would be the D600. If I were you I'd wait to see if the "D610" is coming out soon and then decide from there.


Senior Member

I'm laughing because I've been carrying around my 85 1.8G while just loving the shots with my 50 1.4G.

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Senior Member

I'm laughing because I've been carrying around my 85 1.8G while just loving the shots with my 50 1.4G.

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Haha, I have a 50 1.4D and 50 1.8G which still get some use on the D600. But I can't count the number of times I shot with the 85 1.8G and zoomed to 100% in Lightroom to check the sharpness and I just have to do a double take at how crisp the images are. They're all great lenses but the 85mm just about lives on my D600.


Senior Member
I have and use both the D7000 and the D600 and like them both. Remember that when you start buying glass for a full frame camera the prices increase a lot. I have not used the D7100 but it is something I would probably consider getting. I have printed several 2Ft by 3ft images off of the D7000 that look great. The reason I purchased the D600 is because I have been asked for larger prints. In my opinion, considering the difference in glass I think you would get much more bang for your buck with a D7100. What size prints do you normally use and do you shoot wildlife or other shots that would benefit from the crop factor and the longer reach with you lenses? To get the same reach with your lenses on a FX camera as you do on the crop sensor will cost you much more. My suggestion would be to check out the D7100 before making any decisions.


New member
I have and use both the D7000 and the D600 and like them both. Remember that when you start buying glass for a full frame camera the prices increase a lot. I have not used the D7100 but it is something I would probably consider getting. I have printed several 2Ft by 3ft images off of the D7000 that look great. The reason I purchased the D600 is because I have been asked for larger prints. In my opinion, considering the difference in glass I think you would get much more bang for your buck with a D7100. What size prints do you normally use and do you shoot wildlife or other shots that would benefit from the crop factor and the longer reach with you lenses? To get the same reach with your lenses on a FX camera as you do on the crop sensor will cost you much more. My suggestion would be to check out the D7100 before making any decisions.

Thanks for all the replies guys. I recently went to dxo and saw that the d600 was so highly rated compared to all other dx bodies so I wanted to get a sense from people that have actually tried both if they saw the a substantial difference in IQ because numbers are just numbers. Money is not an issue as long as for what im shooting for I get that extra 'bite' from my body. Again its mainly street photography and shooting at low ISOs.


Senior Member
I was shooting with the D7000 for almost 2 years when I got the D600. 6 months later I converted the D7000 for Infrared because it wasn't getting any use. It is truly that much better. Go to my Flickr page and go back in time and compare similar shots taken with the two cameras. Absolutely stunning IQ with the D600.


Senior Member
I've had the D7000 for almost 3 years and got the D600 in May. I could tell a difference after the first few shots with a 50 1.4 and 80-200 2.8. Noticably better IQ with shallower DOF. Since my 17-55 2.8DX wasn't going to work in FX, I had to get a 24-70. Then, I lucked into a 70-200 2.8 VRII to replace my 80-200. Ended up being a $5K upgrade, but I'm good to go on DX and FX.


Senior Member
I think I will chime in here, I had the D5100 and upgraded to the D600 and man o man was it amazing the difference in the images as well as just the overall feel and design. I will not be changing bodies any time soon unless a D4 lands in my lap I am staying with this one. And as far as dust sensor issues it was NEVER a problem with my body and still is not and I have even cleaned it and it never effected it. I hope this helps and good luck!!!


Jeremy V


Senior Member
Just to keep from repeating what has already been said I will say I am very happy with my 600. I had my 7000 for a year and traded it in on the 600. Absolutely no regrets. Amazing camera.


Senior Member
FX makes sense in Landscapes and street shots as you get a wide coverage compared to DX. That said, the D600 has a phenomenal DR, so you can recover a lot of shadows, not even thinkable in a D300.

As the photo sites are bigger in FX, the DR and colour rendering will be better. DX makes sense only if you want longer reach with you Telephotos.


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For what you're using your camera for, the fact that you said money isn't an issue, and your ISO inquiry, I would get the D600. I've had the D7000 also... and it's fantastic, but the D600 is that much better.


New member
Having had the D7000 for approaching 3 years and I added a D600 a month ago, I was stunned by the D600 output. As its been stated, "it's that good!"


Senior Member
I recently (today) upgraded from a D80 to a D600. I haven't familiarized myself with the D600 that much, so can't present any comparisons as of yet. I'm sure I'll be finding out soon enough. looking forward to learning a lot from this forum.