

Senior Member
This is a picture of part of Baltimore city
In the first one the horizon looks tilted so in the second one I straightened it and the buildings at the bottom look crooked. which one looks best?

balt-bromo2 sm.jpg

balt-bromo-s sm.jpg

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
I like the bottom better.

Just think of all the fat kids that won't get fatter because their parents can't let them

go to Mc'Donalds!

(You cropped it out of the picture!)



Senior Member
I like #1. More buildings and more cars in the foreground.... If it was mine I'd crop out some of the sky (right about the "n" in your signature on the left).


Senior Member
Thanks everyone! Rick, I did want to crop out some sky, to follow the rule of thirds and all, but I really like how the sky looks in wide angle shots. :)