Blacktops edit this RAW file thread.


Senior Member
I'm out of shots for today so I kill time toying with this one.

This is a version not that subtle.



Senior Member
I just roughly did a cut and paste here:


Then changed the layer blending to darken. 5 seconds of work.


All it now needs is some fine-tuning with the eraser set at a % of opacity. Evidently when I bring her closer into frame, I should have scaled her proportionally. Too early a morning to not be lazy. ;)

This is a very quick method to merge but the layer blending that works best depends upon the shot.
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Senior Member
I didn't try but isn't it easier to merge her if you roughly cut/copy/paste and then change the blending mode in PS? I usually do that and then erase what distracts.

She sure is all legs. ;)

The mergy I was speaking of was the exposures. The gal was a placement from another file. She arrived a little short, so I increased her overall size. In the run over from the other image she evidently trimmed up a bit. (Actually, I may have grabbed the top center resize handle instead of a top corner.):eek:

I suspect I know less than 1% of what can be done, but I enjoy learning the next point.


Senior Member