Nice idea...and SRV is a good start to go with the photos.
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Thanks for the compliment.I wish I could get my 70-300 to be as sharp as these.
Great shots Pete.
I'm glad it brought back memories for you. I am always happy when someone comments about the feeling they get from the shot, rather than just a "nice shot" or " that's some sharp assed shot right there if I do say so myself". Although those are nice as well.Ok the boat dock and Bad Company was just too much of a flash back... Every Friday Night we would hit the lake guitar in hand and ski til the sun set than tie up somewhere and play guitar til we couldn't... These shots looked a lot like Saturday morning... coming back in for breakfast.
This boat dock is not far from the house and I do go there a lot to shoot BIF. Next time I go, I promise I will take a few shots of the boat dock and the surrounding area for you.:encouragement:
Are you a Hank Williams fan? He is buried in Montgomery. Really interesting gravesite.