Best way to sell Nikon FTZ ii Mount Adapter


Senior Member
(Hope I am not wrong to post here)

Any suggestions on the best (fast) way to sell my like-new FTZii are appreciated (excluding eBay for the 10-15% fee and the process). Thanks. FYI, I am lucky on the way to buy Nikon Z 180-600mm to replace Sigma 150-600mm as being able to return Sigma for a full refund (It's like enjoyed using it for nearly a year for free. But pissed off from Adorama's $300 offer). So next thing: sell the FTZ.

BF Hammer

Senior Member
I have purchased used from KEH and investigated selling lenses to them. They make it much easier and less risky than ebay. But ultimately I just sell or trade in gear to my local camera store and try to keep them in business.

Your maximum sale potential will be with Facebook marketplace I think, but it could take time to get a bite. But you have to remember that smaller items like an FTZ need to be bought at around half of resale prices to make it worth it for a used dealer. Don't expect to get your money fully back on it like with returning your Sigma for refund.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
There are 3 places that I use... MBP Photo at, Robert's camera in Indianapolis, and KEH... It that order... Both MBP and Robert's have consistently offered more than KEH... MBP is my preferred because they're fast, reliable, and pay the shipping... However.... eBay will get you the most money... All the scammers from Craig's List have moved to Facebook Market Place.

You can get an idea of what these places will Offer you by looking to see what they sell Used ones for...and figure about 60-70% of that price.


Senior Member
Selling on your own is the only way to get full market value. Join the Back Country Galley forum and you can list items there for free, plus it's a nice forum. And, of course, you can list on the classifieds right here at Nikonites.


Senior Member
Ok, MBP's the winner! (Thanks, Fred) They are fast and offer good quotes. I got a $50 quote from B&H where I bought the FTZ for $150 (discount price). Then I got a $140 quote from MBP instantly! The retail price is $250 for a new one. Think I actually get better than half of the retail price. But I am lucky again for this one. Thank you, everyone.


Senior Member
Just let everyone know: Today I received Adorama's quote for the two items (Sigma and FTZ): $600. I think it's a fair price compared to B&H's $350. But I am lucky to receive the quote late after the return/refund (Sigma) and MBP's great quote (FTZ).


Senior Member
Just let everyone know: Today I received Adorama's quote for the two items (Sigma and FTZ): $600. I think it's a fair price compared to B&H's $350. But I am lucky to receive the quote late after the return/refund (Sigma) and MBP's great quote (FTZ).
What am I missing??? Adorama's quote for the two items (Sigma and FTZ) is $600. B&H quote is a fair price of $350!! Why is $600 better than $350???


Senior Member
There are 3 places that I use... MBP Photo at, Robert's camera in Indianapolis, and KEH... It that order... Both MBP and Robert's have consistently offered more than KEH... MBP is my preferred because they're fast, reliable, and pay the shipping... However.... eBay will get you the most money... All the scammers from Craig's List have moved to Facebook Market Place.

You can get an idea of what these places will Offer you by looking to see what they sell Used ones for...and figure about 60-70% of that price.
It's MPB Photo though, right? Do you have the "B" and the "P" reversed, or did I get hi-jacked to the wrong site?


Senior Member
Yes, MPB is the well known used camera gear outfit. I have ordered equipment from them and was pleased with the experience.

Just for info, Fred passed earlier this year, hence the _RIP add on to his screen name.


Senior Member
Yes, MPB is the well known used camera gear outfit. I have ordered equipment from them and was pleased with the experience.

Just for info, Fred passed earlier this year, hence the _RIP add on to his screen name.
Thank you Clovishound for taking the time to respond to my comment. I'm sorry to hear that about Fred. :-(
I noticed the RIP after I'd posted the comment. You can see from my profile I was more active here year's ago and wasn't even sure I'd be able to login again. I might have to review my activity and see who else I used to know/interact with is still around.