Before and After: (RAW and Processed) Post 'em!


Senior Member
I think it would be interesting to see just how much can be done with less than stellar photos with processing. Whether it is just enhancement or full-blown digital abstract art, post them here so some new people can get an idea of the endless possibilities. In other words, don't trash those bloopers.

The first photo was taken in RAW. It needs a lot.

partridge creek1 1200.jpg

This is after straightening, adjusting brightness and contrast, a bit of tone-mapping, highlighting with colorization, deepening some of the green areas, brightening some of the other areas with the yellow from the flowers.

partridge creek 1200.jpg

Or this.....

partridge creek2 1200.jpg

This is not to say that everyone is supposed to like one better than another just because I do. Don't go there. This is only to demonstrate the possibilities when shooting in RAW.

Paintshop Pro X4
Topaz Adjust 5
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Senior Member
this is the separation of a photographer and a snapper, funny how some people take exception to what you have posted, but to me,, this is how you are practicing your art. You example is pretty extreme on the amount of editing, but all in the context of the photo.

I like the way you brough some life to a lifeless shot, but, also interesting how you did not choose to get up at 5 AM for the perfect light, but thru editing have created the effect.

One of the pleasures is looking at before and after of some famous shots such as Ansel Adams,, or so many of the iconic star photos from the 30s when the photo touchup was at the peak.


Senior Member
Here is another. It was crooked, washed out, and had to be cropped because of the shadows in the corners (forgot to collapse my lens hood).

calm morning raw.jpg


calm morning 1400.jpg

Tami Jo

Senior Member
Wow it's amazing looking at the before and after in RAW. It looks like I may have to start shooting in RAW after all. The ability to make so many changes and not compromise the quality of the image is amazing.

AxeMan - Rick S.

Senior Member
DSC_6236_7_8_fused-2.jpg DSC_6237.jpg

Finished shot was a RAW three shot HDR processed in Photomatix using the "Fusion" option. Then processed in Lightroom, then tweaked and cropped to 8 x 10 in Photoshop.

Raw image shown here is "0" of the +/- HDR shots.

This is one of the more extremes I have done and shows what I think can be done with RAW and processing

AxeMan - Rick S.

Senior Member
DSC_7414-2 text.jpg DSC_7412.jpg

Don't toss those loser photo's. On the extreme side again. Not shot in Raw, but shot from a moving car from a tripod in the backseat using a corded remote at 25 -30 MPH in sports mode at four frames per second. Processed in Light room, then Photoshop using the tilt-shift method.


Senior Member
This is a cityscape I shot from the WWI Memorial in Kansas City Missouri a few years ago when I was attending a conference there.

All my post processing was done using Adobe Photoshop CS 4 I did not use any plugin filters like Alien Skin or Topaz or Nik Software.


KC Skyline From WWI Memorial Untouched.jpg


KC Skyline From WWI Memorial.jpg


Senior Member
Some toning. I don't think this was shot in raw.


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