B&H Shipping Delay on the D500?


Senior Member
Saw this post yesterday. B&H shipping date for D500: Nikon Pro DX SLR (D500, D300, D200, D100) Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

Seems that, as usual, B&H will be closed for Passover observance from April 22 thru April 30, meaning that an April 21 release date for the D500 turns into a May 2 or 3 ship date by the time they reopen. I suspect Adorama will be the same way.

Man, I'm bummed. I've been jonesing for this thing since getting the Sigma and I'd been feeling like a kid before Christmas since last weekend. But hey, I'm saving almost $150 in state tax, so I can wait.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
B&H is the only one that will be closed. Pretty much everyone else will ship on the 21st subject to their availability... IOW... If you're reeeally impatient... B&H isn't the only game in town. :D


Senior Member
My brother worked for Adorama and I know they follow suit with B&H. The only days he got paid for being off were religious holidays, the rest required him taking personal time.

For me, I went with B&H primarily because they saved me $140 in sales tax. I'm anxious, but not that anxious.


Senior Member
Yeah, if you pre-ordered somewhere else at this point, there will be a lot of people ahead of you in line and it might take even longer if supply is limited.

I'm anxious for you to get that camera, too, Jake. I want to hear your reports on it! :)


Staff member
Super Mod
I've been looking at something that is on sale at B&H until the end of the month, but when they shut down for Passover, I'm not sure online ordering will be available while closed. And I can't decide which makes it worse. :(

Looking forward to your review, too.


Senior Member
I've been looking at something that is on sale at B&H until the end of the month, but when they shut down for Passover, I'm not sure online ordering will be available while closed. And I can't decide which makes it worse. :(

I've got some serious insight into the Hasidim after having worked closely with a couple at AT&T. Long story short (I'm condensing, so I may not explain it with 100% accuracy), they cannot perform work of any kind on the Sabbath, nor can they compel someone else to do work for their benefit. That means that Charlie couldn't ask for a ride home when I asked him to stay late and finish something on a Friday afternoon (he could accept a ride from me if I offered, which I learned when I saw him walking the 10 miles home), and that if B&H leaves the ordering servers up and something happens they cannot compel anyone to get them going again (so they simply shut down ordering during those times). Anyone who works for them who is not of the faith (i.e. warehouse & fulfillment staff) is still off when they are off as there are no supervisors, and no way for them to deal with even the slightest of issues should they arise.

Strange, complex, and often bizarre for those not around them, and in a world where everyone wants everything right away it can be frustrating as hell. Just to be clear, that's not the case with me. I admire their conviction, particularly when it would be advantageous to deny them in the name of profit (I remember when there used to be Blue Laws and you couldn't buy anything on a Sunday). I just wish Nikon released the bodies on a Monday and not a Thursday. LOL


Staff member
Super Mod
I completely understand their reasoning and give them credit for following their religious beliefs in a society that doesn't want to yield to those convictions! ;)

Under the Computers section, I posted about 2 photo printers I am considering. In the past I considered an Epson printer but ultimately chose to hold off on a photo printer. The Canon Pro-10 is a terrific price at $249.99 but am not sure if it would yield as good results as the Epson P400. If I am going to get one, I need to do it before tomorrow 7pm.



Senior Member
Find out if the Canon has a separate print head or if it's on the cartridges, like HP and Espon. I had a Canon Pixma Pro printer (not that one) and after 6 months of solid use I got one for my Mom so I could debug hers over the phone using mine. 3 weeks later the print head went and it costs as much as the printer on sale to replace. I suspect this one is not as cheaply made, but you never know.


Staff member
Super Mod
Find out if the Canon has a separate print head or if it's on the cartridges, like HP and Espon. I had a Canon Pixma Pro printer (not that one) and after 6 months of solid use I got one for my Mom so I could debug hers over the phone using mine. 3 weeks later the print head went and it costs as much as the printer on sale to replace. I suspect this one is not as cheaply made, but you never know.

Thanks! I will see if I can find out.


Senior Member
I've got some serious insight into the Hasidim after having worked closely with a couple at AT&T. Long story short (I'm condensing, so I may not explain it with 100% accuracy), they cannot perform work of any kind on the Sabbath, nor can they compel someone else to do work for their benefit. That means that Charlie couldn't ask for a ride home when I asked him to stay late and finish something on a Friday afternoon (he could accept a ride from me if I offered, which I learned when I saw him walking the 10 miles home), and that if B&H leaves the ordering servers up and something happens they cannot compel anyone to get them going again (so they simply shut down ordering during those times). Anyone who works for them who is not of the faith (i.e. warehouse & fulfillment staff) is still off when they are off as there are no supervisors, and no way for them to deal with even the slightest of issues should they arise.

Strange, complex, and often bizarre for those not around them, and in a world where everyone wants everything right away it can be frustrating as hell. Just to be clear, that's not the case with me. I admire their conviction, particularly when it would be advantageous to deny them in the name of profit (I remember when there used to be Blue Laws and you couldn't buy anything on a Sunday). I just wish Nikon released the bodies on a Monday and not a Thursday. LOL

Do they still have those in place in NJ? I remember getting on Route 17 in Lyndhurst where I used to work in the bakery and I could drive all the way to Waldwick (girlfriends house) without even slowing down on a Sunday morning.:encouragement: