Are there any home brewers here?


Senior Member
Just wondering if anyone brews there own beer ! I used to do "all grain" about 4 years ago and now my youngest daughter (18 year old) wants me to start brewing again ! :very_drunk: Very happy to start again she wants me to make a copy of Karl Strauss' Red Trolley ale ! Well of course I will take photos of the whole process :D . Well I must go now , cheers Greg


Senior Member
I haven't brewed for years now, The last 8 years i just brewed Cooper draught and stout...

I used the sugar made from grains I forget the name of it but think it started with D and Malt...


Senior Member
I did used to brew my own, but haven't for a few years now. I was using beer kits, but customising my brews, I mainly used Coopers kits.

I have 2 x 50 litre stainless kegs and a 25 litre keg as well ( ex brewery kegs ), I had a fridge with a tap and drip tray on the side.
It was good to have beer on tap, but I probably used to overindulge, because it was too convenient.

My father is still home brewing, has been for about 30 years now, he has 4 x 50 litre kegs and a stainless steel coldroom that he got got for free when a local pub renovated and was going to throw it out.


Senior Member
I brew extract. Very happy with the results, so I never moved on to all grain. I tend towards brown ales and sweet stouts.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I was an extract brewer for years but have been out of home brewing for some time now. I'm kind of an English Ale, Oatmeal Stout sort of guy. Home brewing is one of those things I wouldn't mind being back into, like bee keeping, but it's probably not going to happen.

Good luck with your Red Trolley clone... Karl do make some great beer. His Amber Lager is a staple in my fridge.


Senior Member
Of course she wants you to brew again. Lol. What 18 year old doesn't. Hope you have great results. A friend did some home brewing out of his bathtub. Heard it wasn't to good as I never dared to try it. Couldn't get past the bathtub thing and what gets sent down the drain.


Senior Member
Ok I am putting the counter flow chiller together , here is a bit of it....sorry for the crappy iPad pic!


Senior Member
Finished my counter flow chiller , all coming together very nicely :cool: I will put up the pics soon !


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Michael J.

Senior Member
This is be going to be an interesting thread. My grandpa used to distillate plum schnapps for many years. But unfortunately he passed away 25 years ago so nobody in our family kept this tradition. I know it is not same as brewing but it is a sort of getting alcohol :)


Senior Member
This is be going to be an interesting thread. My grandpa used to distillate plum schnapps for many years. But unfortunately he passed away 25 years ago so nobody in our family kept this tradition. I know it is not same as brewing but it is a sort of getting alcohol :)
I bet that was good stuff! It is illegal here to make distilled alcohol without an expensive and hard to get license. People do it though, but it is not common to see. Beer and wine making for personal use is ok and a popular hobby.

Michael J.

Senior Member
I bet that was good stuff! It is illegal here to make distilled alcohol without an expensive and hard to get license. People do it though, but it is not common to see. Beer and wine making for personal use is ok and a popular hobby.
Grandpa have had a license and paid tax as well. It was limited to 20 liter per year for for own needs and for 5 liter to sell.


Senior Member
Schnapps is very tasty mmm, distilling is leagal here same as home brewing , I will post some photos of how I made the counter flow chiller in the morning .


Senior Member
I don't homebrew beer (it's far too commonplace and I have plenty of friends who do it better than me) so I choose to brew MEAD.

To use an analogy, "beer is to mead" as "digital is to film". Basically, brewing beer is so fast you can tell if you screwed up pretty quickly, but with mead you need to wait *months* to find out.