35mm 1.8 DX or 50mm 1.8 FX


Senior Member
Here's my take on it (a bit late to the discussion but oh well). The 35 mm 1.8 DX will give you a normal lens perspective on a DX camera (50 mm). When you put a 50 mm 1.8 FX lens on a DX camera, what you will see through the viewfinder is equivalent to a 75 mm lens. So it really depends on what you plan to shoot. If I had a choice, I would get the 50 mm because you can use that to good effect on both DX and FX cameras so you wouldn't have to worry about selling it when you upgrade to FX. And let's face it, at some point someday you will. Plus as someone mentioned you get the benefit of using the center of the field of the FX lens which provides better image quality. But if really depends if you need a normal lens or a portrait lens? The type of photography you do should dictate the type of lens you need or get, rather than the specs of the lenses themselves.