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  1. S

    P950 Battery Charger MH-29 Discontinued!

    For me it isn’t a non -issue if I can’t externally charge batteries without voiding the warranty on a 1 day old camera. Nikon support said no more chargers available and discontinued. It rather leaves a new Nikon owner dangling without a way to charge their batteries on the go. I am...
  2. S

    P950 Battery Charger MH-29 Discontinued!

    I couldn’t find it on Amazon Canada, just lots of after market chargers. It still begs the question as to why they would discontinue such an important item. I wonder if the cameras that take the batteries are next.
  3. S

    P950 Battery Charger MH-29 Discontinued!

    I just purchased the P950. I was dismayed to see you can only charge the battery in the camera. Then I read in the manual a reference to an optional charger. I couldn’t find this mythical beast anywhere and support just replied that it is discontinued. Why?! There are after market chargers but...