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  1. C

    Best shot of the Day

    We went to the Jacksonville Zoo today, nice place! I took my new Nikon D5300, Three lenses and a spare battery and a fun day taking pictures of the zoo creatures. Here is what I consider to be the best shot of the day:
  2. C

    First Flower Photo

    I was outside taking some pictures of the house today when I decided to try and get a close up of one of our Azeala's. I was using the 35mm Prime lens @ f/40 1.8 100. The picture is focused nicely in the center but blurry around the edges, I would have like to have had all of the flowers in the...
  3. C

    First Photos

      Yesterday was the first day I was able to get out with my new Nikon 5300 and as it has been a long time since I have started taking photography seriously again you could say new photos as well. Here is one that I liked.    <br><br><br><br> <img...
  4. C

    Finally bought my Camera and Lenses

    OK after extensive research and input from the experts (you guys) I finally purchased my first DSLR kit. I got the Nikon D5300 body, a 35 mm prime lens, 18-55 and 70-300 lenses both with VR..The lenses cost more than the camera body did. I considered getting the D5500 but it was nearly $300...
  5. C

    To bundle or not?

    Ok I am getting ready to buy my first DSLR, I have done some rather extensive research on the issue and will most likely buy online. Mainly because there are no camera stores nearby. Anyway, buying online, I have the option, of just buying the camera, camera and lenses or budling (getting...
  6. C

    New guy from North Florida

    Hi all, thanks for letting me in...I am an old guy. just turned 70 a few months ago. I have always been interested in photography but never really "got" into it. I have a pretty nice point and shoot camera, a Lumix DMC-LX7 which a step up from the Canon Sure Shot but a long way from a DSLR which...