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  1. B


    Here's one couple hours after the D500 and 200-500 arrived. :D
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    Let's see some reptiles...

    Oooh! Found an old one from before my switch to Nikon. Banded Watersnake.
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    Let's see some reptiles...

    An evening run in with a Cottonmouth ready for action!
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    Post your birds (2)

    I shot a Big Birdy! Driving to lunch yesterday, my wife and I spotted these. Only trouble is as it was such a lousy day to be photographing anything, I had left my kit at home. Yeah I know, but a 10 minute round trip back to them was all it took. :D Drizzle and a god awful grey overcast and 40...
  5. B

    Made a major switch...

    Well figured I post a couple from our Sunday drive. Coulda drove to Florida in that many hours! LoL Like I was saying though, the photos straight from the D7100 without PPing are amazing. Then give em a bit of LR or CS6 and watch out! :D Here are a few for your approval. 1 and 2) The Buffalo...
  6. B

    Low Light with the D7100

    Here's a little better higher ISO Representation BlackTop. 1250 ISO on this one. I think its pretty clean.
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    Low Light with the D7100

    The D7100 keeps amazing me. Got to the lake late yesterday "Golden Hour +" LoL but had to try anyway. The sun was almost completely gone. The AF drilled the eye and fast. Well I shot this at a super low ISO but the noise at higher ISO settings are amazingly low. Even the 55-300 kit lense at 5.6...
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    For all the warm welcomes a little pay it forward....

    Not sure if this is the proper place to post this but... Well for all the nice comments I received on my switching to Nikon, figured I would give everyone a heads up on a deal I found at a local (1 hour drive) Best Buy store. Well yesterday I stopped in a Best Buy in Missouri just to check...
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    Made a major switch...

    Well I've always shot Canon equipment and by doing so I became really good at post processing. I hadn't read anything about the D7100 at all. One day the wife and I were at a local Sam's Club and I playfully picked up one. Something about this camera made me decide to jump ship. I took a few...