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  1. Dangerspouse

    Strobe Control Panel Confusion

    Hi gang! Some may recall me posting earlier that I'd just purchased my first strobe/monolight, a Neewer S-400N (400 watt). (And taking Cindy's advice, I also now purchased a 37-inch octobox that I found on a good sale, and a C-stand. Cindy's never steered me wrong yet!) The test shots I've...
  2. Dangerspouse

    Anyone have the Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G (DX)?

    Just wondering how it stacks up against the kit 18-55mm. I see the specs of course, but I'm curious if anyone has had real world experience with it and can tell a difference in picture quality.
  3. Dangerspouse

    Topaz Sharpen AI first impressions

    Wow. I use Topaz DeNoise once in a while, and it always impresses me when I need it. So I gave Sharpen a try, dowloading it recently. Haven't really used it much yet, but I decided to give it a whirl this mornning on some wonky pics from a batch I took of our neighbor's foxes yesterday. This...
  4. Dangerspouse


    I'm pretty sure this is gonna sound really dumb, but I'm throwing it out here anyway 'cause I figure it can't be any dumber than a lot of the other stuff I ask. I just got my first smart phone. I know nothing about it. I didn't even want it, but my wife, and now my work, both insist I have one...
  5. Dangerspouse

    Portrait advice

    Hi Gang. My wife asked me to take some headshots for her business, and I'm hoping any of the experienced portrait shooters here can give me practical advice. I don't have a lot of equipment (or space), being on a bit of a tight budget. For indoor lighting I've got two soft boxes, plus one speed...
  6. Dangerspouse

    World's First Snowmobile

    At the Space Farm museums in Wantage, NJ: .
  7. Dangerspouse

    Topaz DeNoise practice

    I'm getting a little better now at using the slider adjustments, both gross and fine, in DeNoise. I'm also getting more comfortable determining which of the 4 general categories might be better suited for any pic I import, before I even see the 4-way comparison screen. The more I use it, the...
  8. Dangerspouse

    Topaz DeNoise AI test

    I got an email from Topaz Labs saying their DeNoise AI is on sale for 20 dollars off, for the next two weeks. I downloaded a free trial version to see if I liked it, and ran some high ISO photos through it as a test. Here are two examples. (The trial version puts that water mark in the center...
  9. Dangerspouse

    Topaz DeNoise AI Sale

    I got an email that Topaz has put their newest version of DeNoise on sale for 20 dollars off, good through October 15. That brings it to $59.99. After getting the notification, I went to YouTube to watch a vid or two to see what the reviews were like. They all seemed pretty positive, so I...
  10. Dangerspouse

    Nikon at the Olympics

    I wonder if they would notice if one 500mm f/4 just happened to go missing...? :greedy_dollars:
  11. Dangerspouse

    XQD vs CFexpress

    B&H Photo is running a bunch of deals for Father's Day, some of which are memory cards. I only have SD cards at the moment, and frankly they're all I need for the kind of shooting I currently do. But looking at some of the discounts on offer, I started to wonder if I shouldn't pick up one of the...
  12. Dangerspouse

    New Lightroom Enhance

    The latest Lightroom update installed the "Enhance" option, which previously was only available in Camera Raw. I decided to try it for the first time today. This is a picture I took last week while attempting BIF photography with my new D500. As I was lying just off the sandy beach, I noticed a...
  13. Dangerspouse

    Shooting in the rain.

    We've had a lot of rain here the past few days, and more is expected today and tomorrow. I originally was going to go out and takes some pictures in it, having read that the D500 is pretty well weather sealed. But...what about the lenses? I've seen videos of nature photographers doing their...
  14. Dangerspouse

    Nikkor DX 35mm f/1.8 at Target

    I tried to put this up earlier in the day, but I couldn't get it to post. When it didn't appear, the site told me I was double-posting when I tried another attempt and wouldn't accept it. I hope this one makes it. This morning I was alerted that Target was having a clearance on the Nikkor DX...
  15. Dangerspouse

    What to Look For

    Hi Gang - Through a ferocious dint of self denial, I've finally saved up enough to purchase a used D500. I've been scouring the various sites for the past week or so. Then a couple of days ago the local shop I used to do business with pre-COVID listed a like-new D500 for a price better than...
  16. Dangerspouse

    Nikkor vs. Zykkor

    In college I was an SLR enthusiast, partly because the Pretty Young Thing I was wooing was an SLR enthusiast. I purchased an Olympus OM-2s mostly because she had an Olympus (I think an OM-4), and I could use some of her nice lenses. But I also purchased a few lenses of my own, albeit cheaper...
  17. Dangerspouse

    "Is she dead, Jim?"

    I turned my D5500 on this afternoon, attached a 55-200mm lens, wouldn't autofocus. I tried another lens, then two more. Same thing. I put in a fresh battery. Same thing. I cleaned the contacts, took it off BBF, checked for a firmware update, prayed to Ba'al...same thing. No autofocus...
  18. Dangerspouse

    Decisions, decisions....

    I find myself in the unfamiliar position of having a little bit of money to play with. Not having to commute a hundred miles a day to work since COVID restrictions kicked in last May has meant close to a hundred dollars a week saved just in gas money. Not to mention no yearly brake job, lunch...
  19. Dangerspouse

    Fstoppers Free Course

    Some of you may have already seen this, but for those who haven't.... I got an email from Fstoppers this morning (I subscribe to their newsletter), and for the next 2 week they're giving away their $100 "Photography 101" course for free to help people homebound by the coronavirus and maybe...
  20. Dangerspouse

    WTOM, On the Air!

    I thought some of you might get a kick out of this. My company set all us announcers up with rudimentary studios so we could broadcast from home during the quarantine. Today was the first day we went live with the new setups. My wife came downstairs and snapped this on her iPad while I was in...