Search results

  1. Horoscope Fish

    Winners of the Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013

    Of (possible) interest to all... Some pretty amazing shots: Winners of the Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013
  2. Horoscope Fish

    Feedback Appreciated: Escondido Walkabout #3

    ..... Escondido Walkabout #3 .....
  3. Horoscope Fish

    Yea Me...

    Post 1,000!
  4. Horoscope Fish

    Fun With Negative Space...

    Ahhh Negative Space. A compositional tool I'm finding is a lot more powerful that I thought. It's also a lot of fun! ​
  5. Horoscope Fish

    Cruddlies! A Cropping Conundrum...

    I like this shot... I like it a lot actually. I've been working with "negative space" lately and finding it an immensely powerful compositional tool and this photo is an appeal the minimalistic. I was thinking of cropping it along the right edge, maybe an inch or so... The attachment shows my...
  6. Horoscope Fish

    Desert Odyssey #1: Salvation Mountain

    Just outside of the tiny community of Niland, CA lies a testament to one man's faith: Leonard Knight's one-man creation, Salvation Mountain. While "mountain" might be a slight exaggeration the official measurements of 50 feet high and 150 in length do not adequately convey the scope of...
  7. Horoscope Fish

    New Error Mesage...

    Not a huge issue, but an annoying one... Any time I reply to post using the "Go Advanced" button, I get the following error message: Fatal error: Field dbtech_trating_disabled is not defined in $validfields in class vB_DataManager_Post in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 This has...
  8. Horoscope Fish

    Kinda Cool: Underwater Photos

    Bumped into this and thought it was pretty cool... Caveat: Linked article contains a pic or two with artsy bewbs... Underwater Photos That Look Like Baroque Masterpieces
  9. Horoscope Fish

    HOLY C--P!!! (Part II)

    Wow! What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken?
  10. Horoscope Fish

    HOLY C--P!!! That's a Loooooong Way Down!

    Amazing Shot of the Day? Read all about it here...
  11. Horoscope Fish

    Major Upgrade/Rebuild: I Hope You're All Happy...

    I just blew a small boatload of cash on new hardware for my long-in-the-tooth home-built PC. Code-name: Obelisk II. Pulled the trigger on the whole schmear earlier this morning in large part because I want more processing power for Photoshop and things related. Obelisk II has served me well for...
  12. Horoscope Fish

    Saturation Setting: The Shocking Truth Revealed!!

    Okay, so maybe the results are not exactly shocking. Or even particularly interesting for that matter. But because I wanted to see for myself, and share my results, I took the following test shots. Each shot was taken within a second or two of the other and all shots were taken using a Nikon...
  13. Horoscope Fish

    Photo Class Assignment vs. Brain Cramp, Vapor Lock... Any Suggestions?

    I'm taking a digital photography class at the local college and we've been given what is, for me, a tough assignment. I'm all good with the technical aspects of photography but weak on the creative, expressive side (the main reason for taking the class). I'm hoping maybe someone here can give me...