Clovis' Nikon Nuggets


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Well, the gators were out in force today.





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Same gator. If you look closely you will see a spider catching a ride between his nose and eyes in both. It's a small one, an ankle biter. Maybe 3 1/2 - 4 ft long. I really like the texture in the water, with the reflection of the vegetation on the opposite shore. Unfortunately, the head of the gator is lacking nice crisp detail. Don't know if it's soft on focus, or underexposure. It was badly backlit. I grabbed a couple shots, then added some extra exposure, unfortunately, by then it had moved on to a less interesting stretch of water. I had to mask the head and bring up the deep shadow.

Here's another couple from the series. Complete with spiders. I just noticed there is a second spider on the neck of at least three of the images.




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Went somewhere new to us today. CNPA had their monthly outing, and this was the first one for the Pup and I to attend. Had to drive about 3 hours round trip, but I think it was worth it. Could have done better, but hopefully I will improve next visit. This is a sanctuary/garden/lake that has a large swan population. They actually have 7 different species. Interesting place. Both the Pup and I burned out after a couple hours. Took just shy of 700 pictures, with lots and lots of round file images. I have edited about a third of the picked images so far. I need a nap!

I'll start off with my two favorites.



There was a wood duck that was a little nervous of the other birds.


This guy needs a bath!


Black necked swan.



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The Pup and I went on another outing with the local Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association yesterday. We went to an impressive botanical garden in Lake City, SC. Lots of flowering, and other plants. They had some interesting artwork as well. I didn't get a lot of flower images, but concentrated on some of the old buildings and artwork instead. Got rained out a little early. Not my best outing from a standpoint of getting good images, but had a great time.






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Got a chance to shoot a pair of whistling ducks at Cypress Gardens. I hope they are a breeding pair taking advantage of the duck box, and not just passing through.




And another wood duck.



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I'm still struggling a little with the AF. In high contrast situations it seems to work very well. In shadows, I have to fuss with it a bit. I would also like something between the small and the wide-small focus area. The small hasn't worked well at all for me. The wide small is better, but doesn't always grab the focus point I want. I guess I should try the pin point. I swear I got more in focus with the Z5.

I love the resolution. I can crop without fear. The larger files it produces are causing a few problems, but I am dealing with those. The viewfinder seems crisper. I don't get as many shots per battery charge, but I have yet to have to change out the battery in the field.


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Went to the Francis Beidler Forest this morning. The prothonotary warblers were active making nests. The water snakes were whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears, and the Moccasin was just chilling.

Noticed something interesting when I got home and got a close look at a series of images. A warbler landed on the railing close by and I fired off a bunch. He was obviously messing with something. A closer look showed that he was pulling the wings off a moth he had caught. My assumption is that he was preparing it for some hatchlings.






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The Pup wanted to go to the boneyard beach this morning. Who am I to argue? Unfortunately, the tides weren't right for a sunrise trip, we got there about 8:30, and the sun had been up for about 2 hours or so. Wow, how the beach has changed in a year. I tried some full sun shots of the trees in the surf, and on the beach. Got some pelican shots as well.






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Lots of insect activity in my backyard wildflower plot. Had a hard time getting any halfway decent shots, though.


Ended up settling for a few flower shots.



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Some different plants are starting to bloom. I've been wondering how this plant was going to look after blooming, and what insects it would attract. Since some of the insects that are starting to be attracted to this are very small, I put my extension tubes on my 105 macro. I'm having a little trouble nailing focus with this setup. This plant is very tall, so I'm standing up and it's hard to stay steady enough standing with such a small DOF to keep the eyes in focus. I've thought about breaking out the tripod, but these guys move around too much to allow time for me to set up. Maybe I'll try my hand with the monopod. I may just have to take lots and lots of shots and be content with only a few having the eyes in focus.


These last two look pretty good when posted, but neither is critically sharp in the eyes. Topaz helped, but it can only do so much.




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Well, this one is a little better. Ironically, I got one fly shot this morning. This was it. I assumed it would be out of focus, as the wind was rocking the plant back and forth, and after one shot, a sweat bee came up and scared the fly off.


Discovered an ambush bug dining on a sweat bee. I would have like a clearer background, but it is what it is. Before processing, it was yellow on yellow on yellow.
