Post your sunset shots


Senior Member
Sunset over Isle of Palms

f/3.5, 400 ISO, 1/500 shutter 28-300mm Tamron



Senior Member
Obviously, I need a lot of work on my composition, but being new to this game, I thought I'd post this. Just playing around on the deck with the goodness that Mother Nature gave me for this.



Senior Member
Obviously, I need a lot of work on my composition, but being new to this game, I thought I'd post this. Just playing around on the deck with the goodness that Mother Nature gave me for this.

View attachment 99935

The one thing this image really lacks is a particiular subject, a main focal point of the photo. Yes, there are trees, but they is really nothing about them that stands out. One particular thing that grabs your attention.

Keep shooting, the more you shoot, the more you learn and the better you get!


Senior Member
Thanks STM. A subject is definitely one of the things it is lacking. I had a nice sky, but couldn't make it much more interesting aside from framing the trees.