Post your spiders


Senior Member
Re: spiders

Thanks Mike! I am so glad creepy crawly stuff is out again!! It is going to be an awesome summer. And with the Raynox I believe I can put off a dedicated macro lens for a bit.


Senior Member
Re: spiders

Thanks Mike! I am so glad creepy crawly stuff is out again!! It is going to be an awesome summer. And with the Raynox I believe I can put off a dedicated macro lens for a bit.

Well the D700 is going back as after two days shooting ime not filling the frame with my style on most subjects,i may revisit the idea later but with the unspent cash ime giving serious thought to the sigma 150 macro,my 105 sigma is over 10 years old and the old screw drive focus which is slow compered to the modern units.


Senior Member
Re: spiders

That 150 is a beast! One dang fine Macro lens. You will love that thing!

I am not surprised about the D700 not making the cut. FX is awesome if you want to go wider. But for your shooting the only FX I would tell you to look at would be the D800. Its the only one that I think is a good match for you. Best would be the D7100.


Senior Member
Re: spiders

The D7100 could easy be the best choice for me making the D7000 my back up,don't get me wrong i could easy have had an affair with the 700 but if you need to crop then the benefit starts to fade,will wait for the inevitable price drop on the 7100


Senior Member
A daddy (mommy?) long legs guarding the next generation




Senior Member
First of all, a question. What do buses and jumping spiders have in common? Don't know? Well as the saying goes, you wait for ages to get one and 3 arrive one after the other.

I hadn't seen a jumper this year so far and this morning I came across a little chap, so tiny that I didn't realise at first that he was a jumper

Jumping Spider 1.jpg

Shortly after, I came across an other, slightly bigger, who was so full of himself that he kept jumping at the camera every time I got near him. This photo was as good as I could get. I discovered after I took these two photos that, for some reason or other, the camera had defaulted to standard jpg, so probably not as good as they could have been.

Jumping Spider 2.jpg

Then, just as I finished work, I came across this. Took loads of photos.

Jumping Spider 3.jpg


Senior Member
Another photo from the previous shoot.

PS: This is a straight photo. No stacking involved. 40mm +12mm macro ring.

Jumping Spider 4.jpg
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Senior Member
In reply to WeeHector

Ive altered it slightly in corel paint shop pro X5 (fill light, noise removal, sharpen)
Theres more detail in the spider as it was quite dark before. I hope you dont mind me fiddling. I just wish I could get a shot as good as this, nice one!



Senior Member
In reply to WeeHector

Ive altered it slightly in corel paint shop pro X5 (fill light, noise removal, sharpen)
Theres more detail in the spider as it was quite dark before. I hope you dont mind me fiddling. I just wish I could get a shot as good as this, nice one!

View attachment 86727

Thanks bechdan. That looks really great. Brings out much more detail and looks more alive. I'm sure you'll get there. A few weeks ago I was happy if I could even spot their eyes.:D