Where I'm at with my photography


Senior Member
Not got a lot of time at the moment for considering gear but have sort of made a decision,for over a year now the quality of my images has been dropping,it is of course the fault of the gear:D, well it is but not in the way I convinced myself.

All the swapping of DX gear in the world will not sort the problem as the problem is the gear is just too heavy,after walking around with it over my shoulder for extended periods of time ime just not fit enough to hold it steady for a shot.
My P900 and V2 are another story,i hardly know ime carrying them,this means they have been getting used and the D7200 has stayed in the bag.
Nikon can not offer me a viable alternative,the 1 system is great but it could be dying a death so ime not buying into that any deeper,the P900 is what it is and good at it,so these two are staying with me.
The DX gear is the one that is going,i have heard Nikon are going mirrorless in a bigger way at the end of this year or the beginning of next,if they do its too far away for me and I dare bet it would be too expensive initially for a poor old guy on a pension.

Its looking like I will go m4/3 as staying with DX on a mirrorless system would give me lighter bodies but the lenses need to be as big and nearly as heavy so that would be no gain.

If any one is interested the favorite for me at the moment is the Panasonic GX8 and 100-400 which would give me a FOV = to 200-800,and come in at approx 1kg lighter than the DX gear.

Re: Where ime at with my photography

I really doubt that DX and FX are going away in our lifetimes. Many people like me really like a bigger heavier camera to carry around. I seem to have better control the larger the camera is. I guess a lot of it is what you use your photography for.


Senior Member
Re: Where ime at with my photography

I really doubt that DX and FX are going away in our lifetimes. Many people like me really like a bigger heavier camera to carry around. I seem to have better control the larger the camera is. I guess a lot of it is what you use your photography for.

I agree with you totally,ime not playing the prophet of doom proclaiming the end of DX and FX they are fantastic systems and here for a long time to come,with Nikon though i cant feel certain about the future of CX,if i could i would buy deeper into it,at the moment though the weight is taking the fun out of it and my results are suffering,even though i look like going mirrorless the only real advantage it will hold is weight and it will come with some disadvantages.

I tried to write my first post without it looking to knock the DX and FX maybe i got it wrong.
Re: Where ime at with my photography

I agree with you totally,ime not playing the prophet of doom proclaiming the end of DX and FX they are fantastic systems and here for a long time to come,with Nikon though i cant feel certain about the future of CX,if i could i would buy deeper into it,at the moment though the weight is taking the fun out of it and my results are suffering,even though i look like going mirrorless the only real advantage it will hold is weight and it will come with some disadvantages.

I tried to write my first post without it looking to knock the DX and FX maybe i got it wrong.

I just can't buy into the mirrorless cameras. Only briefly picked one up and played with it a little but I just could not "feel" it. I guess I am just to old for those new fangled devices. In my film haydays I shot medium format and really loved it. And going from DX to FX recently has really been a eye opener.


Senior Member
Re: Where ime at with my photography

Interesting Michael,i only started the thread because after being so into posting images and comments,having gained some good friends and knowledge from here i didnt want to just not be as prolific with out explaining,the change is not gear based as such but a need on my part,if i was still as fit as i was two years ago i would not be changing.

Michael J.

Senior Member
Re: Where ime at with my photography

To me, it is more and more inconvenient to take my gear with me for my daily business

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Re: Where ime at with my photography

I am in the same situation. I only had FX gear but it is just becoming too heavy for me to carry around for too long. I feel the same that the quality of my shots is dropping and its down to the weight issue.

I have taken the first step and gone into M4/3 with a E-M5II + 12-40mm pro lens. This combo is more than 1KG lighter than my D810 + 24-70mm. I find I am using the M4/3 more and more.

But, there is no M4/3 camera that can match a DX or FX for tracking and all small sensors do result in more noise and less dynamic range due to technology limitations.

I love my Nikon gear its superb but my personal needs are changing.


Senior Member
Re: Where ime at with my photography

Interesting Michael,i only started the thread because after being so into posting images and comments,having gained some good friends and knowledge from here i didnt want to just not be as prolific with out explaining,the change is not gear based as such but a need on my part,if i was still as fit as i was two years ago i would not be changing.

I can understand that Mike. The equipment is heavy, and it gets awkward. I love the 200-500 lens, but carrying it for any distance is difficult.


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Super Mod
Being a female, I can't carry as much weight as many guys, plus since I have chronic tendonitis in both forearms, I have difficulty getting clean shots unless I use faster shutter speeds while handholding.

There are camera bags that fit around your waist as well as modular pieces that fasten to a belt and can be customized with individual cases (Think Tank is one). That eliminates carrying the camera over a shoulder. Those enormous telephoto zooms aren't for me though because I know the weight would really limit how much I use it.

My most solid tripod weighs in around 10 pounds (Bogen Manfrotto with a big and heavy head). In the past I've carried it short distances, but it is just too heavy. I have kept it so if I get into portraiture, it will make an excellent studio tripod.

But as we get older and find ourselves with physical limitations, it can be difficult to accept. However, adapting to those changes and making compromises is better than giving up passions we love altogether. Keep doing what you love, Mike. You will find a way to make it work while still enjoying the experience. :encouragement:


Senior Member
If I was to go mirrorless, or if the Missus might get hooked seriously enough, I would still go the APS-C sensor route. I really do like the Fuji cameras when it comes to that sort of thing.


Senior Member
I can't think of a better reason to switch to mirrorless. It sounds like it is just what you need at this stage. Mobility and agility can mean the difference in getting the shot.

Panasonic and Sony systems look like the best overall to me. I might give the edge to Sony.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing the next step in your photography!


Senior Member
If I was to go mirrorless, or if the Missus might get hooked seriously enough, I would still go the APS-C sensor route. I really do like the Fuji cameras when it comes to that sort of thing.

APS-C would be good but the lenses are the same weight and size,i spent a lot of time considering the new Sony A6300 but in the end decided a change that didnt meet my goals would be pointless.


Senior Member
Being a female, I can't carry as much weight as many guys, plus since I have chronic tendonitis in both forearms, I have difficulty getting clean shots unless I use faster shutter speeds while handholding.

There are camera bags that fit around your waist as well as modular pieces that fasten to a belt and can be customized with individual cases (Think Tank is one). That eliminates carrying the camera over a shoulder. Those enormous telephoto zooms aren't for me though because I know the weight would really limit how much I use it.

My most solid tripod weighs in around 10 pounds (Bogen Manfrotto with a big and heavy head). In the past I've carried it short distances, but it is just too heavy. I have kept it so if I get into portraiture, it will make an excellent studio tripod.

But as we get older and find ourselves with physical limitations, it can be difficult to accept. However, adapting to those changes and making compromises is better than giving up passions we love altogether. Keep doing what you love, Mike. You will find a way to make it work while still enjoying the experience. :encouragement:

Thanks Cindy,i still want the long lens ability or FOV depending on your position,i would have happily stayed with Nikon 1 but the current models are out dated and as i say if Nikon leap ahead with them i probably couldn't afford it.


Senior Member
Good luck with whatever you do Mike.

At some point I "may" change back to Olympus, but after almost 4 years in the Nikon camp I am still enamored by the quality. If I get to the point where I can no longer carry my full frame around all day, then I will consider MFT, or even buying another D5*** series camera, but I will fight that day... One of my hobbies outside photography is lifting weights, so I'm hoping it will be many years before I have to even consider swapping :D


Senior Member
I used an Olympus OM-10 for 20 years so I have to admit the OM-D looks pretty cool. If I was going that route I would probably buy that for that reason alone. (I do like the option of completely quiet shutter mode though I have never tried one to see if it really is)

I still love the feel of a full size. I can still handle it but I most certainly can understand that not all can. I have a small backpack that my stuff fits in which makes carrying things much easier.

I still hear kids nudge their buddy "Look at that camera" and I would hate to lose that. ;)
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Senior Member
Good luck with whatever you do Mike.

At some point I "may" change back to Olympus, but after almost 4 years in the Nikon camp I am still enamored by the quality. If I get to the point where I can no longer carry my full frame around all day, then I will consider MFT, or even buying another D5*** series camera, but I will fight that day... One of my hobbies outside photography is lifting weights, so I'm hoping it will be many years before I have to even consider swapping :D

I have been making excuses to myself fo over a year now but the one thing that is killing my photography is the weight of the gear,took the V2 out with the 70-300 on and got this.

Click for larger i cant if its in a quoted post
View attachment 210580

The problem with the 1 series is they are outdated with no sign of a lot happening to them.

JH Foto

Senior Member
If its any help I will tell you my experience of trying to go to smaller lighter gear. I sold my first Nikon DSLR to go to Panasonic four thirds gear the image quality was not bad but when you start adding other lenses the weight of the gear becomes not far of DSLR weight. So the I sold all that gear and bought a fantastic Bridge camera the Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 it gave me great results but to cut a long story short I have now learned for picture quality and creativity I am back with Nikon and thats it now. When my D5300 stops working I will buy another Nikon.


Senior Member
If its any help I will tell you my experience of trying to go to smaller lighter gear. I sold my first Nikon DSLR to go to Panasonic four thirds gear the image quality was not bad but when you start adding other lenses the weight of the gear becomes not far of DSLR weight. So the I sold all that gear and bought a fantastic Bridge camera the Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 it gave me great results but to cut a long story short I have now learned for picture quality and creativity I am back with Nikon and thats it now. When my D5300 stops working I will buy another Nikon.

Thanks for your input but staying DSLR is not an option,the GX8 and Panasonic 100-400 is 1kg lighter,its change or give up and ime not ready for that,i will make the gear work.:D