Piperbarb's 2014 Project 365


Senior Member

Since we have a lot of coyotes, and red and grey foxes around lately, the rabbit population is way down. This is the first one I have seen in a couple of weeks, other than road kill.

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Senior Member

The only good yellow jacket is a dead yellow jacket. This guy must have gotten stuck on the screen and died there. BTW, after I took the photo, I pushed up the screen and swiped him off the screen and outside.

145 Yellow Jacket-140525_01.jpg


Senior Member
I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. :) Between work (getting towards the end of the school year) and working on the house lately, I have taken photos but have not been able to post any in the last week or so. I will start posting again, hopefully later this evening, or at least tomorrow.


Senior Member
With the end of the school year coming up really fast, and also spending a lot of time working on the house over the past couple of weeks, I would take photos, upload them to my computer, and that was about it. It took me about 3 evenings to process them. I should know better than to pile up a whole bunch of photos which need to be processed and then posted. I don't think I will do this again. :)

Let the posting begin!


Senior Member

I found these when I was going through one of the bookshelves. They are a set of three Star Trek Hallmark ornaments that I bought my husband, who knows how long ago. They are about 1.5" long each. Tiny by ornament standards. I took this quick snap with my iPhone. I hate taking photos with my iPhone, but sometimes, one dos not have much choice.

Mini-Scale Mortal Enemies
146 Star Trek Ships-140526_01.jpg


Senior Member

It figures, the one time I do not take my camera out with me when I walked my dog, Jenny, in the morning, there was actually something to photograph. It's another one of those icky iPhone photos. We surprised this deer as much as it surprised us. I didn't even notice it until is stood up and stared at us. Jenny was more interested in checking out all the new morning smells instead of noticing the deer.

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147 Deer (with iPhone)-140527-02_01.jpg


Senior Member

As you may guess, purple is my favorite color. I planted the columbine from seed about 10 years ago. They pop up every year. Since they produce about a zillion tiny seeds per flower, I do not think they will be disappearing any time soon. I also noticed that the deer do not find columbine very palatable. That's a good thing. I don't have much of a garden anymore because of the deer thinking my garden is an all evening deer buffet.

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This is Russian Comfry. It's a tough plant that the deer don't like, either. It also blooms most of the summer. It was in the garden when I bought the house. I just like it, so it has stayed. It also transplants very well. I transplanted a bunch of it in the front of the house about 2 years ago and it is growing like a champ.

148 Russian Comfry-140528_01.jpg


Senior Member

After a through purging of books from the library (I still have many that I did not get rid of), I hand shelf space to put something other than books. It's my odds and ends cool little toys shelf. Yes, that is a slinky. I like slinks. I also have one of those magnetic sculptures that is just fun to play with and see how it turns out. It's the never the same twice.

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Senior Member

I saw these dandelion seeds stuck on a web. The spider was long gone. I used flash on this so the background dropped out.

150 Dandelion Seeds on Web-140530_01.jpg


Senior Member

A very close friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. I made her his shawl so she could wear it when she gets cold, or just to feel comfy. This is the second shawl of this type that I have made for friends with breast cancer.

151 Girly Shawl-140531_01.jpg


Senior Member
I like my slinky too. Did not have one as a child and when I mentioned this to a friend, she gave me one for Christmas on year. Very nice shawl.


Senior Member

We have a ton of labyrinthine orb weaver spiders around here. They are very busy as soon as the sun goes down. Fortunately for them, they prefer to stay outside. They would not have a chance with me or the cats if they chose to meander into the house.

Prepping for Dinner
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Senior Member

I saw this rainbow when I worked out to my car to go to work. It's not the best photo in the world, but I haven't photographed a rainbow in quite a while.

Over the Rainbow's Edge
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This labyrinthine orb weaver spider enjoying dinner it captured and predigested the night before.

Fresh Moth Meat
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I will be posting the rest of my photos tomorrow. I am just too tired to continue and have to get up early tomorrow to go to work.


Senior Member
I like my slinky too. Did not have one as a child and when I mentioned this to a friend, she gave me one for Christmas on year. Very nice shawl.
Thanks. I love my slinky and do play with it. Thanks about the shawl. My friend, Pam, really appreciated it. I still have to finish the one I started for myself....last year.


Senior Member

I have seen this crow perch on the barn roof several days in a row. In all the years I have lived here, I never saw a crow perch on the barn roof on a daily basis.

Just Sitting
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