Post your Fruit


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Waking up this thread

My neighbor has six papaya plants growing in his front yard. Hope he shares!



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Super Mod
Over the years, I've trying growing papayas without luck. This is the first one that I'll get to eat.



Staff member
Super Mod
Google pineapples, Marilynne... They only produce fruit 2 or 3 times.. The first time is usually the largest, and subsequent fruits are smaller...

Mine have always been the same size - first and last. I know when they are done producing, the plant dies.

A couple of my friends put apple slices on the pineapple leaves. They claim (I haven't seen any proof) that they get more pineapples and are large.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Mine have always been the same size - first and last. I know when they are done producing, the plant dies.

A couple of my friends put apple slices on the pineapple leaves. They claim (I haven't seen any proof) that they get more pineapples and are large.

If a mother plant isn't setting fruit, you can force flowering on a plant that hasn't yet sent up a stalk. Dissolve 3 calcium carbide pellets in a cup of ice water and pour it over the crown. Alternatively, set pieces of an apple around the center of the pineapple. Ethylene gas, produced by both calcium carbide and apples, forces flowering.
Here's a tip that might help.