D90 Pics


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

They are all good shots, but Rainier´s are really good... Btw, I´ve checked his gallery and they are from a D90! Mmmmm...
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Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Exactly the kind of thing that he does... Not all of us like to shoot birds or spiders... Listen guys, I´m not here to hurt people´s feelings, but I do have an opinion, or not everyone is allowed one???


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: D90 pics

Flugelbinder, I'm not sure what types of photos you are looking for, but here are a few of mine taken with my D90.

Chapel at Princeton University


Ferris Wheel from 2012--night exposure ISO LO1 (about equivalent to ISO 100)


Another shot of the Chapel at Princeton University


Van Sant Covered Bridge



Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

I think the D90 (along with the D700) is still one of the better sensors at rendering skin tone. There is just something about the rendering job of the older sensors that I think is lost over their newer counterparts. A more natural look so to speak.


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Flugelbinder, I'm not sure what types of photos you are looking for, but here are a few of mine taken with my D90.

Chapel at Princeton University


Ferris Wheel from 2012--night exposure ISO LO1 (about equivalent to ISO 100)


Another shot of the Chapel at Princeton University


Van Sant Covered Bridge


Love the Chapel shots.


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Nice images Hark. I believe I´ve writen this before, but I´m starting to do a lot of events. Mostly family and friends for now, but what I really enjoy is portrait. In both situations a good color rendition and sharpness (I will include fast focus for events) are the most important things, IMHO... That´s why I keep asking about the D90. When I saw Rainier´s images, since I haven´t seen many portrait images posted here (Whu has some, but...) I was very impressed. If you look at my profile, you will notice that I´ve been around for about 2 weeks (and have been out of power for a few days) I didn´t remember to look at his EXIF´s... Am I to be shot or hanged or burned in a public plaza for it??? Some people don´t handle criticism all that well...


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

I think the D90 (along with the D700) is still one of the better sensors at rendering skin tone. There is just something about the rendering job of the older sensors that I think is lost over their newer counterparts. A more natural look so to speak.

Thank you.


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: D90 pics

I think the D90 (along with the D700) is still one of the better sensors at rendering skin tone. There is just something about the rendering job of the older sensors that I think is lost over their newer counterparts. A more natural look so to speak.

Nice images Hark. I believe I´ve writen this before, but I´m starting to do a lot of events. Mostly family and friends for now, but what I really enjoy is portrait. In both situations a good color rendition and sharpness (I will include fast focus for events) are the most important things, IMHO... That´s why I keep asking about the D90. When I saw Rainier´s images, since I haven´t seen many portrait images posted here (Whu has some, but...) I was very impressed. If you look at my profile, you will notice that I´ve been around for about 2 weeks (and have been out of power for a few days) I didn´t remember to look at his EXIF´s... Am I to be shot or hanged or burned in a public plaza for it??? Some people don´t handle criticism all that well...

If you are shooting jpegs, most if not all Nikons have the option to make some setting changes. For example, if you are after sharpness and are shooting jpegs, you can raise the default sharpness. In fact, for a D90, the default sharpness is a tad soft so I'd suggest raising it to @5-6. It is also a BIG help if you have good glass because the better the glass, the sharper the image.

As for color, again if shooting jpegs, you have the option to select Vivid, Neutral, or Standard (at least I *think* those are the names of the three options). And each of those options has @3 settings. Vivid alone is higher color saturation. If you bump it up to Vivid 1, it will render slightly more saturation, Vivid 2 even more, and Vivid 3 is the most heavily saturated. Neutral is pretty dull in my opinion. I tend to like Standard or Standard 1. Then I use Photoshop Elements 10 which can alter the color even more. If you are shooting RAW, the camera's settings won't affect RAW files. All your color saturation and sharpness must be done with post processing software such as Lightroom or something similar.

Like I said, most if not all Nikons have the ability to make camera settings for jpegs. However, with post processing, you really do have the ability to fine tune your preferences. It takes a little bit of practice to find what camera settings and post processing software works best for your taste, but I believe you should be able to get terrific skin tones not only with a D90 but a D7000, D7100, the D3x00 series, and the D5x00 series...plus all the FX bodies, too.

I don't have any portraiture to show you, but hopefully someone here will be able to help. In the past I used my D90 to photograph my local high school's theater productions, but because of privacy laws, I won't post the photos publicly. Initially I didn't have a telephoto with a fast aperture--the one I used was an f/3.5-4/5. Subsequently my ISO was 3200 which added quite a bit of high ISO noise. Even with the noise, the skin tone colors were really nice. I hope you find something suitable.

Please don't let a few people annoy you. Now that you have clarified a little more as to what types of photos you'd like to see, maybe some members will be able to post portraiture with nice skin tones. :)
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Mike D90

Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Nice images Hark. I believe I´ve writen this before, but I´m starting to do a lot of events. Mostly family and friends for now, but what I really enjoy is portrait. In both situations a good color rendition and sharpness (I will include fast focus for events) are the most important things, IMHO... That´s why I keep asking about the D90. When I saw Rainier´s images, since I haven´t seen many portrait images posted here (Whu has some, but...) I was very impressed. If you look at my profile, you will notice that I´ve been around for about 2 weeks (and have been out of power for a few days) I didn´t remember to look at his EXIF´s... Am I to be shot or hanged or burned in a public plaza for it??? Some people don´t handle criticism all that well...

I have not seen anyone critisize anything you have written. Not sure why you are bent out of shape. Is it because you are cold and out of power or something? You keep asking what the D90 can do and people keep posting images from the D90 but, until this post, you have not exactly specified what it was you wanted to see out of a D90.

Find something warm to drink, have a second look at someone's images you like that use the D90 and figure out if it is the camera for you. There is no guarantee that you will get the same image quality as they do just because you use the same camera. There may be a good bit of post processing involved in their work.

Also, not even mentioned yet, this was someone else post about posting D90 images, not a review of what the D90 can do for you.


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Thank you. In fact I mentioned the fact that the D90 is a bit soft on it´s default settings just a few days ago, on one of the D90´s threads. The answers I got from that post were on the oposite direction, that the D90 isn´t soft at all... I don´t get annoyed, just sad... I´m starting dinner (taking advantage of the almost clear skies, a nice bbq), but after, I will have a look at your gallery... Stay :cool:

Mike D90

Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Never asked here...

I believe you did. You derailed the thread asking if the images posted were actually from a D90. Not that derailing is that much of an issue but several people tried to answer y our questions and many of them were not satisfactory and you turned hostile.


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

As stated before.....if you shoot RAW, any in camera settings changed are a moot point. Those changes only apply to Jpeg.
I have always shot RAW.

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

I apologize if I was misenterpreted. I was talking about the thread starter...

They are all good shots, but Rainier´s are really good... Btw, I´ve checked his gallery and they are from a D90! Mmmmm...

Exactly the kind of thing that he does... Not all of us like to shoot birds or spiders... Listen guys, I´m not here to hurt people´s feelings, but I do have an opinion, or not everyone is allowed one???
I have not seen anyone critisize anything you have written. Not sure why you are bent out of shape. Is it because you are cold and out of power or something? You keep asking what the D90 can do and people keep posting images from the D90 but, until this post, you have not exactly specified what it was you wanted to see out of a D90.

Find something warm to drink
, have a second look at someone's images you like that use the D90 and figure out if it is the camera for you. There is no guarantee that you will get the same image quality as they do just because you use the same camera. There may be a good bit of post processing involved in their work.

Also, not even mentioned yet, this was someone else post about posting D90 images, not a review of what the D90 can do for you

This you might call "hostile"... Stay :cool:


Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

I believe you did. You derailed the thread asking if the images posted were actually from a D90. Not that derailing is that much of an issue but several people tried to answer y our questions and many of them were not satisfactory and you turned hostile.

A few gave their best to answer, except you! You just threw a bird shot and said it´s as good as Rainier´s... Amigo... Stay cool, amigo...

Rick M

Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

Ranie just happens to be an excellent Photographer and he makes the D90 (and any other camera) look good through his excellent work :). Let's try and stay on track here.
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Senior Member
Re: D90 pics

She (finally someone answered that) is! Very, very good, I absolutely agree with you. I did write that her images were some of the best I´ve seen here. I just think Mike didn´t really like that someone wrote that so openly...