A very hard time for my family


Senior Member
Today is a good day for my wife and I! They finally found the cause of her illness and she's finally getting treated for it! So I can truly believe she's on the road to recovery, and that is a huge relief! :D
Sure she'll still have rehab, but at least now I can feel less worry that she'll be sent to rehab before she's ready for it! :D

I'm so glad to hear this, Bill. It amazes me how often root causes are allowed to go undiagnosed while they simply treat the symptoms, so this is terrific news!! You and "your love" (I can't tell you how much that makes me smile every time I read it) are in my prayers.


Staff member
Super Mod
Today is a good day for my wife and I! They finally found the cause of her illness and she's finally getting treated for it! So I can truly believe she's on the road to recovery, and that is a huge relief! :D
Sure she'll still have rehab, but at least now I can feel less worry that she'll be sent to rehab before she's ready for it! :D

This is especially good news! As Jake mentioned, now they can actually address the problem itself! That is wonderful! :)


Senior Member
I'm very glad it makes you smile my friend! My love makes me smile, and she loved hearing about you smiling about our love! :D

I'm so glad to hear this, Bill. It amazes me how often root causes are allowed to go undiagnosed while they simply treat the symptoms, so this is terrific news!! You and "your love" (I can't tell you how much that makes me smile every time I read it) are in my prayers.


Senior Member
Well there has been another delay of my love's transfer to rehab. My beloved's having troubles with keeping anything in her stomach, so the hospital is now looking into what is causing my poor love's nausea. I'm guessing it's the changing of some of her meds from IV to oral, that maybe causing it. Antibiotics are notoriously hard on the tummy, and so are other meds she might be on right now. So I'm hoping it's nothing serious.

Thank you all for sharing my concerns, and supporting my love and I with your thoughts and prayers. :)


Senior Member
@Bill16 ... still not giving up with the thoughts and prayers. My wife is a pharmacist ... sometimes it's trial and error to find the right combination but they'll get it worked out.


Senior Member
I still remain confident that they will get it right soon. Hang in there Bill. Stomach ailments can be difficult but can be overcome. Be sure you tell your wife how many people from across the globe are pulling for her.

Michael J.

Senior Member
Bill, My prayers are still include you and your wife. I think I know how you fee cos just yesterday my beloved aunty came home from the hospital where she went under surgery removing a very big tumor in her stomach.

So I hope that you can get the same happiness soon as we did yesterday having our beloved one at home again.


Senior Member
It looks like my love will be still in the hospital till Monday likely. They are going to put her on a liquid diet for awhile to see if her tummy issues are cleared up, and my love and I figured after listening to the doctor that it would likely be Monday before they'll likely send her to rehab.
My beloved wanted me to thank you all for thoughts and prayers! She really appreciates all the caring from everybody! :D
And of course I thank you all too, very much! :D


Senior Member
My prayers are with you and your sweetheart Bill. I am praying she'll come home soon, and get back on her feet so she can recover. I know it's tough, as my wife has had several minor surgeries over the last year. We've been blessed and I know you both will be too!


Senior Member
Well my love still isn't on solid food yet and it looks like she may still be in the hospital for a little while at least. They ran some more tests today on her tummy, and they haven't got back the results yet.
But I'm living day by day praying for my love to get better so she can come home to me. I'm glad the hospital is doing a thorough job in making sure they find the cause, before they send my beloved to rehab. But it very hard for my love and I being away from each other after waiting sooooo long finding each other.So life goes sometimes, I guess.


Senior Member
Bill ... both you and your love are still in our thoughts and prayers. It's good that they find and address the root cause for these issues, even though it takes more time than we'd like. Stay strong, and trust in the physicians tending to her that they are doing all they can and will keep taking good care of her.

Michael J.

Senior Member
Bill I am sending you a big hug from my daughter she told me that you shouldn't forgive to share it with your wife.

Our thoughts are with you as well as our prayers


Senior Member
Thank you very much Michael, and give your wonderful daughter a hug and thanks from my love and I buddy!:D

Bill I am sending you a big hug from my daughter she told me that you shouldn't forgive to share it with your wife.

Our thoughts are with you as well as our prayers


Senior Member
Thank you all my friends! Your caring means sooooo much to my love and I, and I hope your all blessed with love like my beloved wife and I share! :D


Senior Member
Well they decided against food for my love until the tests come back, and my love says she is praying they hurry the test up before she starts chewing on the furniture! :)
She's such a trooper, and I'm so proud of how hard she's working to stay cheerful and working so hard in the therapy they are giving her while she's still in the hospital. :)
I'm such a lucky lucky man to have such a wonderful woman as my beloved wife! :D

Thank you all so very much for sharing your thoughts and prayers for my love and I! :D