Recent content by Richard500

  1. Richard500

    Your Best D5200 Photos

    So here I am now, 2 miles further east and in lovely Billingshurst a small village that is on "Stane Street", which for the benefit of our "overseas" members is a Roman road that runs from Chichester in the East to the heart of London in the West. Drivers call it the A285. We are on the...
  2. Richard500

    Your Best D5200 Photos

    OK, at last one of my first posts here with a photo taken with my new D5200. An antique shop in the small town of Petworth which is about 14 miles East of Chichester in West Sussex (UK) - I don't think the guitar qualified as an antique. This is the church of St Peter Ad Vincula in...
  3. Richard500

    Eclipse for some of us

    Well, I was late and the sky was cloudy and my camera was not warmed up and next doors cat ate my.... well, here is my eclipse photo. :rolleyes: I even wore my special protective goggles and sun hat.
  4. Richard500

    That spec of dust!!

    Hello everyone, yes I know, it has been a very long time since I last visited or contributed but I have several excuses! I moved home, I spent hours decorating and gardening, I even took some photographs but I neglected you! However, grovelling over, I have a new camera. I sold my D60 and...
  5. Richard500

    Mars -v- Earth ?

    I was looking at the photographs being transmitted back earth from the Mars Curiosity Rover and was fascinated to realize a very important thing. I had been there, Mars that is, before the lander! Then in a moment of sanity I remembered, no it wasn't Mars it was ...... take a look at this...
  6. Richard500

    Team GB

    Interestingly our team is called the team of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.... it's too confusing to explain this oddity but I will try.... Scotland is a country within the United Kingdom but they are also British although Scottish because they are in the British Isles... Wales is a...
  7. Richard500


    I have to confess that I have not been very disciplined with my pots and have not added tags when I had the chance. Can I go back to a posting and add the tags after the fact? I have had a quick look but not seen any obvious way ... I will try harder in future! Thanks
  8. Richard500

    Downsizing and the error of my ways

    OK, so I decided that I was never going to be able to afford that £500 -£600 ($600 - $1000 for all you in the USA) Nikon 18-200mm d/3.5-5.6 AF-S VR DX lens to add to my small starter kit of 18-55mm / 55-200mm Nikor lenses. So what I thought, I don't seem to be doing so well with what I have so...
  9. Richard500

    Data Disasters - Averted?

    OK, I have almost 5000 images stored on my X-Press Hi-Speed Portable Drive, just in case I have a problem with my PC or Laptop. I do not leave masses of photos on my laptop in case of theft but I do keep a duplicate set on my PC as well as the portable drive... PLUS, I have all the images...
  10. Richard500

    Winter Photography - Perils and Pitfalls!

    I saw the Weekly Challenge and thought, "I can do that", entered my photo and thought no more about it until I read the rules (properly) and saw that I was supposed to have taken the photograph actually during the week of the competition! Silly me, but I have an excuse. It's this unseasonal...
  11. Richard500

    Single Point Sling Yes or No?

    I am thinking about buying a single point camera sling but find that there are so many I don't know which to choose from. At one end are the hugely expensive and at the other much less expensive ones on Ebay like the Optech. Any ideas from anyone would be appreciated. Also.... are there any...
  12. Richard500

    Deleting Images from this site

    I have been trying to delete some images that I really should not have posted given that they were not good or more importantly NOT taken with a Nikon camera [they were taken with my Pentax before it was stolen and I became a Nikon devotee] ... So, I have done everything it says to do in the...
  13. Richard500

    Help Please

    I am trying to upload an image to the Competition from Picasa Web Albums but neither the imbeded link or the Http link are visible after posting. Can someone tell me how you post images on this site? Many thanks Richard
  14. Richard500

    Shooting the Moon

    I am keen to get some photographs of the moon but thus far have only achieved some poor rather grainy attempts that are not worth even keeping. Any ideas? I also wanted to be able to include any cloud that my be present rather than resorting to Photoshop. Thank you
  15. Richard500


    Hello my name is Richard and I am a... .oops sorry, wrong forum! But my name is Richard and I am a Nikon D60 user. I used to be a Pentax D100 user but my camera was stolen with all my accessories while my wife and I were living in Ibiza. WE came back home to the UK as a result of the TWO...