Winter Photography - Perils and Pitfalls!


Senior Member
I saw the Weekly Challenge and thought, "I can do that", entered my photo and thought no more about it until I read the rules (properly) and saw that I was supposed to have taken the photograph actually during the week of the competition! Silly me, but I have an excuse. It's this unseasonal British Winter, that's what it must be that has addled my brain, slowed my thinking down and generally made me want to hibernate. Seriously though, we are not used to heavy and sustained snowfall in Britain these days. I don't know if it's global warming or whatever the latest theories are , the weather patterns have changed over the last 40 years. When I was a boy in the late 40's/50's Winters were severe, but we didn't have central heating and had to keep warm on all sorts of ways that would be thought of as crazy these days. But I consider myself a resilient fellow and have not been averse to getting out there in the winter countryside and doing my best to get that really special shot, but what the price?

OK, the temperature is a little above freezing but the wind coming in over the Sussex Downs is straight from the Russian Steppes and whilst not strong adds about two of three degrees to the chill factor and that means that I am going to have to rely on my Nikon's VR to take the edge off my chattering teeth, quivering buttocks or shaking hands. But that's just what it does, my shots are still free of shake even when I am not. Mind you I have had to discard my gloves to focus properly and to press the shutter release and by now wish I had not set out on this journey fro home via the nearby parks, lanes and muddy tracks that surround us in this part of the City.

I have only one thing to say about these trials and tribulations and that is, they are worth it if I get that "special photo".

New Years resolution, (1) buy thermal underwear, (2) buy fingerless glove, (3) carry a bottle of brandy with me at all times!!

Happy New Year one and all from me here in sunny (??) West Sussex, UK.



Snow White
Love your comments! Excellent writing! I laugh because I have been there so many times. I now wear thermal underwear and carry a thermos of hot coffee with a good dose of Bailey's Irish Cream. . . no fingerless gloves, yet.