Z7 pre purchase questions


New member
I’m keen to buy a Z7, however, I wanted to ask a couple of questions first.

1, Can I focus shift while exposure bracketing at the same time.

2, If the answer to the above is no, will the camera go back to the first point of focus automatically.

3, Can I use an external power bank connected to the USB port, for example as a way of shooting hours of timelapse without changing out the battery.

4, Is there any way of shooting RAW files but seeing a low res’ jpeg on an external monitor, ideally my ipad mini. (purely as a way of checking composition on a large screen).

5, Any buggy issues that people really find irritating for stills shooting?

Many thanks in advance


Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.
We look forward to seeing more posts and samples of your work.

I am sure that someone who has used this camera will be along shortly to help you out.


Senior Member
I’m keen to buy a Z7, however, I wanted to ask a couple of questions first.

1, Can I focus shift while exposure bracketing at the same time.

2, If the answer to the above is no, will the camera go back to the first point of focus automatically.

3, Can I use an external power bank connected to the USB port, for example as a way of shooting hours of timelapse without changing out the battery.

4, Is there any way of shooting RAW files but seeing a low res’ jpeg on an external monitor, ideally my ipad mini. (purely as a way of checking composition on a large screen).

5, Any buggy issues that people really find irritating for stills shooting?

Many thanks in advance

1. Yes of course. You can refocus and recompose all you want. You can shoot each frame of the bracket on a different day of a different subject, if you wish to do so.

2. -

3. Yes, USB C.

4. At least with iPad Pro it works with the cable that comes with iPad Pro. It supports both JPEG and NEF. Of iPad Mini I have no idea.

5. It is just too slow (like all mirrorless) for my taste. Z7 isn't even the slowest of them. I definitely prefer to use a DSLR and the Z7 sits in the cabinet. This is just a personal preference, YMMV.


Senior Member
I’m keen to buy a Z7, however, I wanted to ask a couple of questions first.

1, Can I focus shift while exposure bracketing at the same time.

2, If the answer to the above is no, will the camera go back to the first point of focus automatically.

3, Can I use an external power bank connected to the USB port, for example as a way of shooting hours of timelapse without changing out the battery.

4, Is there any way of shooting RAW files but seeing a low res’ jpeg on an external monitor, ideally my ipad mini. (purely as a way of checking composition on a large screen).

5, Any buggy issues that people really find irritating for stills shooting?

Many thanks in advance
I have the Z6 but the difference between it and the Z7 is the sensor resolution and focus points.

1. The focus shift can be accomplished with bracketing. You decide the number of points. It can be done for landscape or macro shooting.
2. I am not sure about this one. I have never considered it. I believe it stops at the final point, but I am not certain of that.
3. Nikon has an external power supply that replaces the battery. You cannot charge the battery while the camera is running. You can charge the battery IF the camera is off, but only while it is off. Makes no sense to me, but that is the way it is set up.
4.Yes, via SnapBridge. This works really well. I dump my photos in real time to my phone. You can do the same to a tablet or Ipad. They are 3 meg jpeg files.
5.A lot of people have complained about a focus and banding and any number of things, but I have found that most all of those things were a issue of operator error. Not because I am a super photographer... I am far from it; but because the Z series system is not exactly like the Nikon DSLR. I have a D700 and a D7200 and when I started using my Z there was a bit of a learning curve.
I shoot landscapes, Cars, Architecture, family and youth sports and my Dog and I have found that once I took the time to study how the system and how it was different I actually have been able to do better with this system than my others. There were some issues with low light focus but Nikon did a free firmware upgrade and they improved all that, especially the low light focus.

It is not a perfect system, but I will tell you that I really like it. Because of some of the systems differences I can do things I had given up on.

1. The In Body Image Stabilization has made it possible to hand hold shots that I just could not do with any of my other equipment. I can go after shots I just had to pass on before.
2. The high ISO performance is shocking it is so much better. I am not afraid to take a shot with the ISO in the 10,000 range. The Z7 might be a bit lower, but still it is amazing.
3. The Electronic View Finder is amazing. It is very bright and what you see in the view fiinder is what you will get. This has helped me so much that I can do long exposure water shots that I could not do before because I can get the ND filters in place and get the exposure and focus after the ND filters are in place and take the shot with more confidence.
4. The new native lenses are amazing for the Z series, but I can still use my existing Nikon lenses like my 14-24 f 2.8 and my Tamron 70-200 f2.8 G2 with the FTZ adapter.

All and All the system is a good system in my humble opinion. Hope this is helpful.