Wedding Questions...


Senior Member
This forum seems to have gone a bit quiet...

If anyone is wanting to get into weddings or has done weddings, but feels a little overwhelmed - please feel free to drop any questions or concerns you may have here and I will be happy to help in anyway shape or form with information and advice.


For those members that don't know me, I am an award winning wedding photographer based in Perth, Western Australia. I shoot between 55 and 70 weddings per year.


Senior Member
Great offer. Too bad I didn't have this option 50 years ago when I did a few weddings but didn't really get seriously into it because I really didn't like the feeling of pressure I felt when doing them, even though many of them were for friends. And since that time, I have attended many weddings and noticed the great variations in customs based on religion and or culture. I wonder how you handle this and also wonder how the wedding customs in Australia differ from those on this side of the pond.


Senior Member
I've often wondered how Australian weddings might differ from UK or US too Brent.

For Australian 95% of weddings follow this standard procedure. I have added in my most common timings for this too.

1) B&G Prep (photo coverage between 1200 and 1530)
2) Wedding Ceremony (most ceremonies are around the 1530 mark and last 30 mins.)
4) Congratulations, Group Shot and Formal Family pics (1600 - 1630)
3) Location Shoot with B&G and attendants * x number of locations (1630 - 1800)
4) Wedding Reception (1800 - 0000) although I usually leave around 2130/ 2200. Also depending on the time of the sunset ie after 1800, we will sneak out for sunset pics at the appropriate time


Senior Member
Well Kevin, the basic outline of events (at least here in California, not familiar with the rest of the U.S.) is the same, but the time frame is quite different. Most weddings are in the late morning, usually around 1100 and the reception ends much earlier than midnight, so the B&G can get started on their honeymoon.

Snap Happy

Senior Member
From the early 1990's to the early 2000's I must have done at least 600 or so weddings, while all of them were different, some church, some garden and everything inbetween, the time line is about spot on, with some variations of an hour or so in either direction. Saying that, NO 2 weddings were the same, and every one was different, stressful (though I did not let that show) and you have to be able to think quickly on your feet and adapt to any given situation easily.