Your number 1 bokeh prime lens??


Senior Member
Some more shots with 50mm F1.8 AF





Senior Member
For those who are not so well informed on the topic, and might take a look at this thread, let me warn against two quite common misunderstandings/confusions regarding bokeh:

1) among the two (or more) similar lenses, whereas one of them is "faster", this "faster" is automatically better "bokeh performer". Like, ABC 50mm f/1.2 got to be better in terms of bokeh than ABC 50mm f/2.0. Why is this belief so common? Because many people confuse the "strength" of the DoF (how strongly is a blurred area suppressed against the focused area) with the bokeh.

2) the greater focal length automatically means better bokeh. Like, ABC 105mm f/2.8 must be a better bokeh performer than a ABC 55mm f/2.8.

The quality of bokeh is, basically, estimated on the lens's ability to "separate" the blurred area from the "in-focus" area in an unobtrusive way. But, sometimes, depending on who knows which elements of the specific scenery, the so-called "nervousness" of the bokeh, being generally regarded as "unpleasant" can act quite on the contrary - adding to the "drama" and actually be pleasant (good example: aroy's DSC2955)...

This was taken with Nikon AF80-200mm f/4.5-5.6, all-plasticky, dirt-cheap lens:

garden tree2.jpg
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Senior Member
Am becoming fonder of this lens as I shoot more with it. Not an expert on bokeh but it seems to do a credible job. Tokina 35mm 2.8 Macro_AAA2136 - 2014-04-18 at 11-00-51.jpg