Post your 'ALMOST' Photos..

Robin W

Senior Member
Blue Angels Boeing FA-18 Super Hornet


Staff member
Super Mod
Have I mentioned I've been seeing lots of GBH's lately? This one's looking for a mate already!


Not a great shot with the sun in the wrong spot.

Robin W

Senior Member
As I was snapping this photo of this Black Night Crowned Heron I noticed something coming up in the bottom right corner of the frame. Turns out it was a beaver. He went on to climb up out of the larger pool of water right in front of the heron. I was so stunned to see a beaver at this location I forgot to take the best photo ops he offered and only got photos once he passed the heron which were only so so. It turns out he has a dam right up under the dam at the Falls of the Ohio. Which is a remarkable place to visit when the water is low during migrations, you never know what will show up.
RD5_5659-Black Night Crowned Heron with Beaver photo bomb.jpg


Senior Member
I was trying to photograph some kind of bee on a flower. Suddenly a yellow jacket fly in and grabbed him and flew off with him. This was all I got.
