Aircraft and contrail photography


New member
Hello, just wondering if anyone have used the tamron 150-600 lens for taking photos of high flying aircraft ? Or aircraft contrails ? . Any input would be most welcome, liam


Senior Member
Hi, I don't have the Tamzooka, but what exactly did you want to know? I am sure it would be a great lens for taking photos of high altitude aircraft. Though, i am sure you would want to use a tripod or at least a monopod with a ball head, to use it for long periods of time.


New member
Thanks for your reply I do have a tamron 70 - 300 lens but It is not enough for getting good pictures, what I would like to know what would be the best settings on the camera to obtain good photos


Senior Member
I actually do this sort of thing quite a bit. When you point your camera straight up to the sky during the day, you are going to get a lot of light going down the lens. You probably won't have a lot of trouble getting a fast shutter speed. Choose an aperture that gives you the best results (what is the sweet spot of the lens?). You can play around with the ISO to get more shutter speed if you really need it (1/500 should be more then enough) but judge by the amount of light you have.