First payed photo shoot!!

Okay gals/guys I've done unpaid portraits before just to practice but now lady has asked me to photo shoot her daughters and herself. I'm a little nervous because i do not have my Nikon with me and I'm scared she wont like them as much as if i had my Nikon, i know its not the camera that makes the pictures its the person who takes them. I totally agree I'm still a little nervous.

I'm not sure how to pose them for the photographs, we will be outside taking the photographs. I was thinking downtown but then everyone goes downtown for photographs, i want to be different. Any suggestions for posing them and where to go to take photos? I gonna go drive around to find an area that i like. Now that its fall all the color has went away.

I forgot to mention she wants Christmas photos and with these photos she will make Christmas cards.

Any suggestions for a newbie/intermediate photographer?