Reversal of the G Lens reputation


Senior Member
How time has changed, I remember when Nikon first started to release the G lens series (lens with built in auto focus motors built in in support of the low cost film SLRs).

I remember my first G lens came with this cheap 28mm film SLR that Nikon made. junky camera, and even worse lens.

Once if a lens had a G label, it was gong to be placed in the bargain lens bucket.

but,, now all the new lens are going to be G,, and the reputation of old is fading away. Tweak the performance a bit, get the mainstream press to wax and drool, and slowly, you even convince D lens owners that perhaps they are missing out on the newest trend.

So, here is to Nikon to sticking with the G spot until quality is reached.


The worst was made in Hong Kong and made in Taiwan.
It was cheap garbage for the most part compared to made in the USA and made in Germany...we just didn't realize what made in China and made in Mexico meant yet! Gosh can you imagine made in Africa? haha :)
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