+20 min. video


New member
My D5100 only allows me to record 20 min. video clips. Is there a way I can record longer clips without having to push start-stop and thereby missing out on a few seconds?


New member
That's silly! Do you know if other dslr's from other manufacturers have the same issue or if it's just Nikon being stupid?

I guess I'll just have to stop and start my recording really quick then.


New member
From what i have read over the last few months, all DSLRs have a limited vid recording time. All of them top out at between 5-20 min, the D800/D4 depending of frame rate can push 30min. Correct me if im mistaken.


Senior Member
I think it is mostly a technical limitation to avoid any risk of overheating that would may damage your camera. The recording duration should be variable depending on the circumstances. Maybe someone here would enlighten us more on this topic!?


New member
That makes sense.

I wonder if it would then be a bad idea to shoot 3 or 4 20 min clip with just a few seconds between them? Anyone know anything?


Senior Member
You just can't do it. It's in the user manual. It has nothing to do with memory size or anything like that. It's a camera limitation.


New member
Help. I can'tm get my D5100 to record more than about 20 seconds without interruptin. I cannot find a setting to correct. Any help?