new to photography forums. . . but not to photography. . .


Senior Member
hey all. . .names mike. . .im normally on ( forum and post a lot of pictures of my snakes there. . .but decided to join this forum to learn and get critiqued on my photos (snake and non snake related). . .took photography in high school (1991). . .and in college the year after. . .black and white film. . .about six years ago bought my first dslr nikon d80. . .a year later sold it to my sister and picked up a d300. . .last year I had some hard times with work and had to sell my gear. . .a few months ago work started to look good again and splurged on a d7000, 80-200 2.8, and a 24-70 2.8. . .having a blast again. . .looking forward to chatting with you all and sharing thoughts and images. . thanks for the welcome. . . heres a couple images. . .dallas, texas . . .houston and elm. . .jfk
and santa barbara mission. . .(wanted to put more but was denied. . .)feel free to check out my photobucket album. . .thanks again. . .



AxeMan - Rick S.

Senior Member
Welcome to the site Mike, My stepson just brought home his two snakes from his dads. A Bolivian Silverback Boa 5 1/2 feet, and a Spider Ball Python 2 1/2 feet. As time permits I'll have to PM you some photos.

Stick around this site great bunch of people here with tons of information, you will like it.


Senior Member
thanks all for the warm welcome. axeman , you play guitar, a lumber jack, or none of the above? lol. and fotojack, don't know who Helen is yet but she probably won't like my photobucket album. lol. thanks again.

mike g

I'm not afraid . . . YOU WILL BE. . YOU WILL BE. . .