The Time Traveler

Will V|Photography

Senior Member
I didn't really want to give it away as I was going for an abstract feel and wanted the viewers thoughts on this to be different from person to person, but screw it.

It was a vehicle that just happened to be passing in front of me whilst I was setting up for a different shot. The beginning of the blue streaks is the headlights and the yellow is his turn signal. They were pulling into my neighborhood which has a bump at the entrance, hence the plateau-ish spike at the beginning.

This is the second time someone has called it "interesting" though and I think I really enjoy that. :D


New member
Time flows like a river... a crack in time.... the window between universes.
These thoughts and ideas come to mind. I LIKE it!


Senior Member
It's a good thing you explained what this was, cause between Jacks green eyed cat & this fantastic shot I thought I was having a hang over.!!!.