I hate this photography "news" article.


Senior Member
Pain has people find meaning in randomness since ages. She sees a message where I see artifacts.

Personally I don't mind some flare since it can add mood.


Senior Member
I wonder if the rainbows appeared because the lens was dirty. There's either some water droplet or oily residu on it to trigger this effect.

In one shot I count three rainbows.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
"I know that some will chalk it up to lens flare and light refraction..." If by 'chalk it up' that photographer in fact means "point out the obvious" then yes; because lens flare is precisely what that is.

Such... indelicate logic is assuredly best avoided when dealing with the fantasies of any pregnant woman; incalculably moreso a widow pregnant with a "rainbow baby"(!!).


Senior Member
There's some nut-babble about aliens on the moon based on lens flare in a few of the Lunar Excursion shots.
I wish people who propose this kind of thing would find a better outlet for their time and effort.

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