Just ordered a 7100 body


Senior Member
Bikerbrent said it would work with all my existing lenses and I'm just wondering- when I put the 70-300 lens on my 7100, do I leave it on AF-S or do I turn the AF-S off? Thanks- Paul


Senior Member
Challenge Team
First off congratulations on a great camera body. As to your AF question, I think it just depends on what you are shooting. For BIF I use AF-C. For stationary things, I switch to AF-S. Now to clarify. I use Back Button Focus (BBF) and so it is AF-C as long as I hold the button and AF-S when I release the button.


Senior Member
Walt's answer leads me to think I misunderstood the question. I'm solidly in he BBF camp and use AF-C since I can release the button to stop focus. I thought you were asking instead on which AF motor (camera or body) since the D7100 has an AF motor in the body as well.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Bikerbrent said it would work with all my existing lenses and I'm just wondering- when I put the 70-300 lens on my 7100, do I leave it on AF-S or do I turn the AF-S off?
DSLR Auto-focus is broken down into two major components: The Auto-focus Mode (the "How" Auto-focus focuses) and the Auto-focus Area Mode (the "Where" the Auto-focus focuses). Two very different things and they should not be confused. AF-S, or Auto-focus Single (Servo) is one of several Auto-focus Modes you can choose from.

To really understand all of this, and I think it's critically important information for anyone using a DSLR, read this article as many times as you need until the information really "clicks and sticks", as I like to say.

DSLR Auto-focus Modes Explained


Senior Member
Ahh... I see the confusion. Af-s focus mode and af-s style lens. Two completely different things conveniently named the same by Nikon. If you are worried about having a focus motor in the lens and another motor in the body, no worries, just mount your lens and the camera will figure it out. If you are wondering, the motor in the lens will be the one that is used. There is no mating hole in the af-s lens to accept the screw drive from the camera.


Senior Member
Just what I needed to know. I just wondered if the internal motor of the 7100 would take over if the lens motor was on. I guess just leave it on-great. Future lenses for the 7100 will be much cheaper now that I have the internal motor. Thanks guys and Fish-now I see why you were confused!! Paul


Staff member
Super Mod
Just what I needed to know. I just wondered if the internal motor of the 7100 would take over if the lens motor was on. I guess just leave it on-great.

Is it even possible to turn off the silent motor? I think it is on when the lens auto focuses and is off when in manual focus.


Senior Member
I'm really excited about getting the 7100! I noticed how many great photos were taken with this camera. I also noticed how pleased all the owners of the camera were and Blacktop said it was a best bang for the buck. I was going to wait as I'm not completely satisfied with my skills with my 3300- trouble is, in one month I'll be 70 years old and I (a man who has done about everything a man should not do)don't know how much time I have left on this wonderful planet. I saw a great deal on Adorama and could not pass it up. I have yet to tell my wife of the purchase-so my time here may be shorter than I think once I tell her!! I look forward to joining the 7100 club and hopefully contributing some pics to "the best of the 7100!! Paul


Senior Member
I'm really excited about getting the 7100! I noticed how many great photos were taken with this camera. I also noticed how pleased all the owners of the camera were and Blacktop said it was a best bang for the buck. I was going to wait as I'm not completely satisfied with my skills with my 3300- trouble is, in one month I'll be 70 years old and I (a man who has done about everything a man should not do)don't know how much time I have left on this wonderful planet. I saw a great deal on Adorama and could not pass it up. I have yet to tell my wife of the purchase-so my time here may be shorter than I think once I tell her!! I look forward to joining the 7100 club and hopefully contributing some pics to "the best of the 7100!! Paul

Congrats on the new camera!!! It took me about a week to tell my wife about my 7100 purchase from Adorama...

"But baby, its a $1,200 camera...It would have been stupid to not buy it for the price I paid"!!!


Senior Member
Congratulations on the new Camera. I would suggest you download the manual from Nikon and read it while you are waiting for the camera to arrive. Youtube is good too. A lot of good videos on the menu setup.


Senior Member
Is it even possible to turn off the silent motor? I think it is on when the lens auto focuses and is off when in manual focus.

From what I'm reading, Nikon recommends that both the camera and body match settings, so if the lens was set to manual focus the body should be set that way too. I knew the lens' built in motor would take precedence over the camera body's (if it exists), but I didn't know the mechanics of how that was determined.