Greetings from downunder


New member
Good day all,

I am a long time hobbyist photographer, picking it up after a fairly long hiatus.
Excited to be here and looking forward to learning a lot.

Best regards
Welcome to the forum. There are a number of us here including me that were long time photographers who dropped photography for a number of years and came back.

This is a great place to pick back up on the hobby.

Be sure to add your camera gear to your profile so when you ask questions we can help you better.

If you fill out your profile and add the camera gear we can better answer any questions that you might have.
You can do that at

Under camera just put the model number like D7100; Once you put the first letter like D you will see a list of all the cameras in the database pop up. The more numbers you put in the smaller the list becomes. When you see your camera just click on it, Be sure to click on "Save Changes" in the lower right corner.



Senior Member
Hello there! I hadn't touched a "real" camera in 20 years until last year. This place is a wealth of information, and filled with some great folks!


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Welcome to the forum. A great place if you're looking for answers or inspiration or you just want to visit. Ha!


Senior Member
Hello and welcome Aarbee

I'm also from Melbourne, though have been living in London for over 10 years. Looking forward to seeing some of your Melbourne shots!

