Hello all........Crazy question to start this off


New member
Hi everybody! I am new here. My name is Jo and I live in Texas and take photos for fun. I have a Nikon D90 and for lens I have 18-55 and 75-300 (hope I got that right...they are not here with me)!
Anyway I see so much great information. Some of it beyond, but I am here to learn!
So thank you in advance I you take time to read my posts and respond. :)

So here is crazy question time....

I have those over 40 eyes....well, over 50 eyes...so reading glasses are a must for anything small needing focus. I can see pretty well at a distance. So, I need wisdom from someone else in a similar state..... I have trouble manually focusing close up because I think it is sharp when it is not. My reading glasses do not work well through the lens. Am I fated with auto focus??????


Senior Member
I have over 60 eyes. Your viewfinder has a small wheel on the side. Pick a spot and turn your lens to full zoom. Turn the wheel left or right until your image is in focus. I use it with my glasses on. Should then be in focus thru all the ranges. Happy shooting. I still use my D90 and it does a good job for me.

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Welcome to the forum. I have very old eyes and wear bifocals so manual focus is not the easiest thing. I don't know about the D90 but I use live view when I do have to use manual focus for some reason but for the most part Auto focus works great for me on my D7100 and D750


Senior Member
Depending on settings, you should have a focus confirmation dot in the viewfinder, even in manual focus. That might help as well when you have a single focus point that you can get on subject. I wear distance glasses and sometimes readers and sometimes contacts with different readers. Makes me crazy.


Staff member
Super Mod
Since the D90 doesn't offer the AF lens tuning, you have a couple of options. As was mentioned, there is a dial near the viewfinder which allows diopter adjustment for those of us who wear glasses. When making the adjustment, you won't need to wear your glasses.

The other option is to switch to live view so the image displays on the rear screen. It is a larger image than you see through the viewfinder which should help you focus better. If you find the AF isn't quite accurate for close subjects, switch to manual focus and use live view. Welcome! ;)

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
You can also look into a magnifying eyepiece. I am thinking about getting one. My vision is lousy, and I have light scatter.
Even on Live View, I sometimes have difficulty.

Welcome, you can learn a lot here.


Senior Member

My eyes suck, and can't be corrected to 20/20. Autofocus is pretty important for me. When I do manual focus, the focus confirmation dot in the viewfinder is my only hope. :)


New member
Thank you everyone for the welcomes and the suggestions. I will try the things offered. Glad to know I am not alone in the vision challenges!


Senior Member
Hello and welcome, Jok. You live in a beautiful state, a photographer's dream. Nothing wrong with auto-focus, so long as you have the right camera. It works wonders for these over-60 eyes. :)