Is it possible?


Senior Member
Hope this is the right place for this post. A couple of questions:

1. Is there a way to view just photographs (as opposed to discussions) posted on a particular day instead of wading through each and every new post?

2. Why are some photographs much larger (wider) than the ones I am allowed to post? Are these folk special? What's the trick?




Senior Member
can't answer #1, but for #2, after you upload the photo, if you double click on it, a menu box will appear where you can change the size and position on the post.


Staff member
Super Mod
Well..if you take a look at this screen shot, my cursor doesn't show up, but it was pointing to the greenish box next to where it says Display all thread images. If you click on those boxes, you have the option to view the images that are uploaded DIRECTLY to Nikonites. However, if the photos are linked from elsewhere (such as Flickr), I don't believe they will display that way.

As far as width, I *think* photos uploaded directly display wider than photos linked to Flickr. Not sure about any other linked photos. Are you uploading directly here? If so, which option are you using? Large? Full Size?

Thread images.jpg


Senior Member
Thanks a lot 'hark'! That is exactly what I was looking for. :) New Posts > Photo Icon
At this point I'm not really interested in long drawn out debates about the virtues of Nikon D750 body, etc. But I am always interested seeing what others consider their good photographs :D

(thank you 'singlerosa' for the info on sizing ... Got it all figured out now)
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Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Also, if you are in a thread, you can open up "thread tools" which is located above the thread and navigate to "Display all images".
Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.



Senior Member
a view recent uploads button/tread/ section, etc is a good idea tho wherever they have been uploaded to today's, yesterday's or this week's, last week's etc could even add a viewing style likes button to the pics also..


Senior Member
@ 'thequeenscheese": a "like" button would be great for individual photographs, indeed. Members sometime include 5-10 photos in a single post. (yet they have nothing in their gallery?) That pretty much makes it impossible to "like" an individual one that might have great merit. ;)
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I have a shortcut set up to go directly to ""New Posts"

I then look at all the titles of the new posts and read/look at the ones I think are of interest to me (And since I am an Admin I also look for troublemakers and read any that concern them) Once I go through the list I then click on "Mark forums Read" in the black menu bar up near the top on the right and it clears the selection. I then go away. When I check back in later I go to my shortcut and it will show me the threads that have been updated since I was here last. Works pretty good for me.

There are so many topics that really don't fit in just one category so looking at them like this lets me scan all topics. A good reason for everyone to make sure your title is descriptive and clear.