Big stopper ND filter problem


Senior Member
I recently bought a 10 stop ND filter off eBay and used it for the first time this weekend. When I checked the resulting image I saw that the lens had been reflected back off the filter.
Has any one else had this issue? I normally use Hitech Format filters and their holder.

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Senior Member
.......... the lens had been reflected back off the filter.............


Moab Man

Senior Member
This would be an excellent question to post an accompanying image showing this. The only thing I can think would be a cheap filter that seems to lack coating to prevent a reflection - but that's just a guess.


Senior Member
Maybe there was light leaking from the viewfinder. I'd try to cover it and then test it again. If the filter darkens well and you have light leaking from the viewfinder, you get a mirror effect inside.


Senior Member
I wouldn't consider the Lee Big Stopper to be a 'cheap' filter. But it IS possible to swap glass between two filter rings. An unethical seller would buy a Lee and an über-cheap piece of crap, then switch out the glass between the rings and peddle the cheap filter in the Lee-branded frame as genuine. It's exceedingly rare, but has happened I'm sure.

If the filter was an ebay purchase, look closely at the wording of the listing. Does it have the word 'for' in the description ("10-Stop ND filter for Lee Big Stopper")? Big giveaway that's it not a Lee.

As MM mentioned, a picture would be worth a thousand-word response.