D7100 Buffer Issue


New member
Hello, as I am new to this, this is my first post.

I own the D7100 and usually when you have the camera set to any format of JPG the camera buffer should be whatever you set it to in the menus (usually 100 capacity), however, on my 7100 it suddenly only has a buffer of about 5-6 frames when set to Medium or Large JPG,and then slows down. But when the camera is set to JPG small size the buffer is the max I set it to (100). Any thoughts on this?

Thank you

You can start by reading up on this in the manual. Get the .pdf manual from Nikon's website and do a search on 'fps' (frames-per-second). P. 58 is a good place to start.

The memory buffer is limited on the D7100. To get the max. fps that the camera can achieve, you need to have a very fast SD card. One of the best is the Sandisk Extreme Pro SD card/s. After that, you're only limited by the max. memory buffer cap., firmware and, of course, your camera settings. The manual can tell you about settings that will affect your fps.

Some folks that shoot a lot of birds-in-flight have issues with the camera slowing down during continuous shooting. Some of the FX Nikon's can shoot continuous better than the D7100. It's never been an issue for me though. I do have the really fast SD cards, which do make a big difference over the slower SD cards.


Senior Member
From my observation, faster card helps only after the buffet is full. Once buffer full with a slow SD card you can get 1fps but with a fast cars you can get 2-3fps.

I learnt to live with its small buffer and improve my timing rather than rely on spray'n'pray.

Other thing is that you can have more frames buffered if you turn off all the in-camera processing like lens correction, Active-D, NR, etc. together with JPEG can bump the buffer up to 12 frames.

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