N 90 S on the way!


Senior Member
Hi all!,

Although I own a D7100 I just wasn't satisfied with "monochrome". So I looked around , did some studying and went for a N 90 s with the battery grip. Dang inexpensive, works with my lenses. I also ordered a bunch of different Ilford b&w film and I just had to get Velvia 50. I dig digital but film I've always loved. Years back I used Tri-x 400 and Kodachrome . Back to basics and film. I'm excited! Maybe even an F-4 in the near future if I like doing film enough. I know--what's not tp like? Anyway the weeks wait can't go quickly enough!


Senior Member
I think you'd love the Nikon F4s! It is the one I bought and the beauty of it and the feel is awesome! I have to finish up a roll so I can see how I did my first time using a pro-film Nikon or anything in film that I had to do anything other than focus it! I think I haven't finished off the roll because I'm scared to see how bad I may have done! Lol :p
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Senior Member
I think you'd love the Nikon F4s! It is the one I bought and the beauty of it and the feel is awesome! I have to finish up a roll so I can see how I did my first time using a pro-film Nikon or anything in film that I had to do anything other than focus it! I think I haven't finished off the roll because I'm scared to see how bad I may have done! Lol :p

Looks like you've been reading my mind.Probably gonna get one within 2 weeks. I certainly liked them when they came out but couldn't afford one then. Yeah it will be a good decision to get one. Enjoy!


Senior Member
I think you'd love the Nikon F4s! It is the one I bought and the beauty of it and the feel is awesome! I have to finish up a roll so I can see how I did my first time using a pro-film Nikon or anything in film that I had to do anything other than focus it! I think I haven't finished off the roll because I'm scared to see how bad I may have done! Lol :p

Well went and got a F4s coming from Seoul, S.Korea.Looks like new,well cared for. Excited , YES!. About 8 days out! Also picked up a tc-16a. Gonna be a fun experience.


Senior Member
I got the 90s on Saturday. I have shot 2 rolls of film so far Ilford Delta 400 and Velvia 50. The 9o is light speed fast at focusing! It even drives my Tamron 200-400mm like it's a 50mm.I dig the sounds it makes. The film advancing, the shutter. Just dang neat. And the mystery of waiting to see what develops. I shot stuff I've done before with my 7100 to see the differences twixt the two. The viewfinder is fantastic. I can keep my eye back further from the viewer. I wear progressive len glasses so this porthole , which is similar to a HP viewer, makes focusing manually so much better for me.
Ease of use is well, easy. One can see the evolution of buttons, programs, features , etc. Tomorrow the F4s will arrive. Funny thing looking at a camera back and there's no preview screen!

So I've jumped into the water again and it's comfortable. Makes one take their time in composing and shooting. Anyway enjoy your week!---Alan


Staff member
Super Mod
Congrats! I still have my N90s...loved using it! It was always an impressive camera, and the cost for a used one now is ridiculously low. Enjoy! :)


Senior Member
Well today just went through the roof in a good way. I got a pristine TC-16a. Put it on the 90 put my 180mm Ai ed on it, powered up, got an almost focus manually, then depressed shutter button 1/2 way and by jove it whirred and did its magic and gave me spot on focus. Then a SB-25 speedlight showed up. Da dang I'm in Nikon heaven of sorts. Oh and the NeoPan400 came too! Arthritis be damned--I'm gonna shoot a roll. Also F-4s arrives today.Whooooopeeeee!;)