New Nikonite From BC


New member
Nice to find you all: eh?

I just purchased a D3200, AF-S 18-55mm1:3.5-5.6G (VR), 55-200mm 1.4-5.6 G ED (VR) and a MICRO NIKKOR 105mm 1:2.8 G ED (VR).

Although I wouldn't say I'm new to photgraphy, (had a Pentax MX with 7-8 lenses and all the trappings since 1978), I am new to Digital and not all that savvy about computers. I'm on a pretty steep learning curve. I've only taken 30 shots so far and I'm not quite comfy with the automatics of the 3200. I've been in Manual Mode; mostly.

What impresses me the most about the 3200 is the 24.2 MP Resolving Power! This obviates the need for longer (expensive) lenses for the kind of outdoor photography I do. I use Linux/GIMP to edit my stuff. I can enlarge distant/small objects using the 55-200 mm and get satisfactory results. This is important to me. It saves hugely on trips to the developer and the cost of getting several prints until I'm satisfied.

So much for the 'gush'. I'm just starting to experiment with long-exposures; 30+ secs. I live on the water with a lovely view of Mount Baker. I've been stacking 5 ND Filters, but I'm not happy with the resolution so far.

Nice chatting. I'll be in touch.



Senior Member
Welcome to Nikonites and the world of digital photography. Once you climb that learning curve you will never look back.